Micro-Blog - CS546 - Anoop Nimkar Sharing and Querying Content Through Mobile phones and Social Participation 1/11/2019 Micro-Blog - CS546 - Anoop Nimkar
Micro-Blog - CS546 - Anoop Nimkar Outline Background and History Introduction Service Description and Applications Architecture and Design System Implementation Evaluation Limitations Summary and Conclusion 1/11/2019 Micro-Blog - CS546 - Anoop Nimkar
Micro-Blog - CS546 - Anoop Nimkar History - Blog Short for Web log, a blog is a Web page that serves as a publicly accessible personal journal for an individual Typically updated daily, blogs often reflect the personality of the author The term "weblog" was coined by Jorn Barger on 17 December 1997 The short form, "blog," was coined by Peter Merholz, who jokingly broke the word weblog into the phrase we blog in the sidebar of his blog Peterme.com in April or May 1999 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blog 1/11/2019 Micro-Blog - CS546 - Anoop Nimkar
Micro-Blog - CS546 - Anoop Nimkar History Contd … Micro-blogging is a form of multimedia blogging that allows users to send brief text updates or micromedia such as photos or audio clips and publish them, either to be viewed by anyone or by a restricted group which can be chosen by the user These messages can be submitted by a variety of means, including text messaging, instant messaging, email, digital audio or the web http://microblogging.com http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Micro-blogging 1/11/2019 Micro-Blog - CS546 - Anoop Nimkar
Micro-Blog - CS546 - Anoop Nimkar Introduction Example of wireless sensor networks Mobile computing hardware Virtual Lens, Virtual Telescope 1/11/2019 Micro-Blog - CS546 - Anoop Nimkar
Micro-Blog - CS546 - Anoop Nimkar Introduction – Contd … Record blogs on-the-fly with physical and geographical tags Localization challange 1/11/2019 Micro-Blog - CS546 - Anoop Nimkar
Micro-Blog - CS546 - Anoop Nimkar Micro-blog Services Querying in Micro-blog Micro-blogs at physical location 1/11/2019 Micro-Blog - CS546 - Anoop Nimkar
Micro-blog Applications Tourism Micro-News Micro-Alerts Social Collaboration 1/11/2019 Micro-Blog - CS546 - Anoop Nimkar
Architecture and Design Client-Server architecture 1/11/2019 Micro-Blog - CS546 - Anoop Nimkar
Architecture and Design – Contd… Design Considerations Energy-aware Localization Energy-aware Applications Incentives Location Privacy Span Content Inaccuracy 1/11/2019 Micro-Blog - CS546 - Anoop Nimkar
System Implementation Finite state machine of the micro-blog client application 1/11/2019 Micro-Blog - CS546 - Anoop Nimkar
System Implementation Contd … Phone Client Web Infrastructure 1/11/2019 Micro-Blog - CS546 - Anoop Nimkar
Micro-Blog - CS546 - Anoop Nimkar Evaluation Battery Life and Location accuracy 1/11/2019 Micro-Blog - CS546 - Anoop Nimkar
Micro-Blog - CS546 - Anoop Nimkar Evaluation Contd … 1/11/2019 Micro-Blog - CS546 - Anoop Nimkar
Micro-Blog - CS546 - Anoop Nimkar Case Study Distributed to 12 students User experiences summary Fun activity for idle time, needed cooler UI Privacy control vital, and replies more interesting Incentives is not an issue if its fun Voice is personal, text is impersonal Evenings are good times 1/11/2019 Micro-Blog - CS546 - Anoop Nimkar
Limitations and Ongoing work Location-privacy in General Public Exploiting Accelerometers for Localization Integration with social network applications Identifying false content How conclusive is the user study ? 1/11/2019 Micro-Blog - CS546 - Anoop Nimkar
Micro-Blog - CS546 - Anoop Nimkar Summary & Conclusion Presented participatory sensing application called Micro-blog Key challenge addressed : Energy efficient localization Evaluated micro-blog by building and deploying a prototype implementation Micro-blog represents a promising new model for mobile social collaboration 1/11/2019 Micro-Blog - CS546 - Anoop Nimkar