Results of OBSS Simulations April 2009 doc.: IEEE 802.11-09/0483r1 April 2009 Results of OBSS Simulations Date: 2009-04-16 Authors: Alex Ashley, NDS Ltd Alex Ashley, NDS Ltd
April 2009 doc.: IEEE 802.11-09/0483r1 April 2009 Abstract We have performed some OBSS experiments using our 802.11 simulator. Document 11-09-0483r0 contains the video resulting from an experiment. This presentation provides information on the video file. Alex Ashley, NDS Ltd Alex Ashley, NDS Ltd
Frequent dropped packets April 2009 doc.: IEEE 802.11-09/0483r1 April 2009 Video Results Roughly 22 lost packets in 30 seconds. 1m Frequent dropped packets 300m No dropped packets Alex Ashley, NDS Ltd Alex Ashley, NDS Ltd
Simulation Parameters April 2009 doc.: IEEE 802.11-09/0483r1 April 2009 Simulation Parameters Home Detached house 8m x 5.5m x 4.8m, 2 floors, 4 rooms per floor Outer walls: 2 layers of Brick, Plaster Inner Walls: 2 sheets drywall* Floors: Wood, Plaster Distance between homes varied from 300m to 1m 802.11 parameters 1 AP and 5 stations per home, randomly placed 11bg mode, European regulatory channel & power rules, no TPC EDCA, no block ACK, no DLS 11n Channel model B + DARPA building material losses Video 2 x 3Mbps video, streamed using unicast UDP Full simulation from MAC upwards. At PHY, signal reception is simulated, not actual waveforms. *AKA: gypsum board, wallboard, plasterboard, gib, rock lath, Sheetrock, gyproc Alex Ashley, NDS Ltd Alex Ashley, NDS Ltd
Media Information Encapsulation Video Audio April 2009 Media Information Encapsulation “DVD style” MPEG-2 Programme Stream 6 MBits/sec Video MPEG-2 video, 720x480, 30 frames/second Audio Dolby AC-3, 48KHz sample rate, 192 KBits/sec Alex Ashley, NDS Ltd