Jaipur, Rajasthan (India) Poster Presentation Title (Font Size ‘32’, Type ‘Arial’, Bold) List Author Name(s) (Font Size ‘30’, Type ‘Arial’, Bold) List Affiliated Institutions (Font Size ‘28’, Type ‘Arial’, Bold) Abstract ID- XXXX Introduction or Motivation (Font Size ‘24’, Type ‘Arial’) Results (Font Size ‘24’, Type ‘Arial’) Conclusion (Font Size ‘24’, Type ‘Arial’) Elements of this template (colors, layouts, etc.) can be edited to suit your needs. The font type remains as “Times New Roman”. The text and headings should be of minimum font size 20 & 24, respectively. (Font Size ‘20’, Type ‘Times New Roman’) The Maximum size of poster shall not exceed 83.82 cm wide by 76.2 cm high (33” W x 30” H) including margins. Poster text should be large enough to be read from a distance of 1 metre (3.25') or more, The minimum font size should not be less than 20. Kindly adhere with the guidelines given in poster template. Do not fold posters; try to carry them in an appropriate container rolled-up. It is mandatory to mention the “Abstract ID” on top left of the poster as mentioned in the template. Elements of this template (colors, layouts, etc.) can be edited to suit your needs. The font type remains as “Times New Roman” for text and “Arial” for headings. The text and headings should be of minimum font size 20 & 24, respectively. (Font Size ‘20’, Type ‘Times New Roman’) Elements of this template (colors, layouts, etc.) can be edited to suit your needs. The font type remains as “Times New Roman” for text and “Arial” for headings. The text and headings should be of minimum font size 20 & 24, respectively. (Font Size ‘20’, Type ‘Times New Roman’) Objectives (Font Size ‘24’, Type ‘Arial’) Elements of this template (colors, layouts, etc.) can be edited to suit your needs. The font type remains as “Times New Roman” for text and “Arial” for headings. The text and headings should be of minimum font size 20 & 24, respectively. (Font Size ‘20’, Type ‘Times New Roman’) Methodology & Study Area (Font Size ‘24’, Type ‘Arial’) Acknowledgements & References (Font Size ‘24’, Type ‘Arial’) Elements of this template (colors, layouts, etc.) can be edited to suit your needs. The font type remains as “Times New Roman” for text and “Arial” for headings. The text and headings should be of minimum font size 20 & 24, respectively. (Font Size ‘20’, Type ‘Times New Roman’) Elements of this template (colors, layouts, etc.) can be edited to suit your needs. The font type remains as “Times New Roman” for text and “Arial” for headings. The text and headings should be of minimum font size 20 & 24, respectively. (Font Size ‘20’, Type ‘Times New Roman’) 5th Annual Convention on CLIMATE CHANGE AND WATER RESEARCH (C3W) February 9 -11, 2018 Jaipur, Rajasthan (India)