Vitamins and Minerals
I. Vitamins Vitamins are organic compounds Vitamins are coenzymes that help enzymes to function (“co-operate”) Examples 1. Water soluble (polar) Vitamins A. Vitamin B – aids in the use of carbohydrates B. Vitamin C – for healthy cells and tissues
* Vitamin C deficiency causes scurvy*
feeling of discomfort, tiredness, nausea, muscle and joint pain, easy bruising, swollen and bleeding gums, loosening of teeth, wounds healing slowly and poorly, dry skin and hair, and bleeding into muscles and joints, causing pain. In children, bleeding can occur into the thin tissue surrounding their long bones, causing pain and interfering with their growth
2. Fat soluble (non polar) Vitamins *you can overdose on these* Examples: A. Vitamin A – healthy skin, bones, eyes B. Vitamin D – calcium and phosphorous use for bones, teeth etc. C. Vitamin K – blood clotting and bone health
* Vitamin A deficiency causes blindness* For children, lack of vitamin A causes severe visual impairment and blindness. It also significantly increases the risk of severe illness and even death from such common childhood infections such as diarrhea and the measles.
* Vitamin D deficiency causes Rickets*
The symptoms and features of rickets may include: soft skull bones delayed closing of the anterior fontanelle (soft spot on a baby's head), a prominent, square-shaped forehead, thickening of the knees (also known as knock-knees), thickening of the ankles and wrists, body weight causing arm and leg bones to bow, indentation on the chest poor growth and development, floppiness due to muscle disease or weakness, teeth taking longer to come through, and weak tooth enamel.
* Vitamin K deficiency causes:* Gastrointestinal bleeding Hematuria (blood in the urine) Nosebleeds Eye hemorrhages Anemia Gum bleeding Prolonged clotting times Hemorrhaging Easy bruising Osteopenia Osteoporosis Fractures Calcification of soft tissue, especially heart valves Calcium Deposits Vitamin K is known to be needed to coagulate blood and to maintain proper bone density. It plays a key role in proper development of the fetus. Deficiencies of Vitamin K have been linked to:
II. Minerals – needed in small amounts Inorganic compounds (no carbon) Plants absorb minerals and animals eat plants or other animals that ate the plants Examples 1. Calcium for bones and teeth 2. Chlorine aids in digestion 3. Iodine for metabolism 4. Sodium for water balance
* Iodine deficiency causes goiters* measles.
The main symptom is a swollen thyroid gland The main symptom is a swollen thyroid gland. The size may range from a single small nodule to large neck lump. The swollen thyroid can put pressure on the windpipe and esophagus, which can lead to: Breathing difficulties ,Cough, Swallowing difficulties, Wheezing There may be neck vein swelling and dizziness when the arms are raised above the head.
How do you test for Vitamin C? Add Indophenol (pH Indicator) to your sample. Indophenol is blue. if your sample changes the blue to colorless, contains Vit. C OR Add Bromthymol Blue ( pH indicator) …. Vit C will turn the sample yellow indophenol
Vitamin, Mineral, and digestive Homework Vitamin, Mineral, and digestive system reading assignment with questions. DUE tomorrow!