Hong Kong Slips to Third in Global Reading Survey Source: 7th December, 2017 (Thursday) Date of session: 12th December, 2017 (Tuesday) Classes: 6C + 6D
B. Vocabulary literacy [n] (L3) – the ability to read and write E.g. reading literacy stagnation [n] (L42) – a stage in which development stops E.g. price/salary stagnation attainment [n] (L63) – the act of achieving something E.g. the attainment of a goal overreliance[n] (L75) – excessive dependence on something E.g. an overreliance on technology diversify [v] (L86) – to start to include more types of things E.g. diversify the habitats
C. useful expressions be attributed to (something) [L68-69] Meaning: regard something as being caused by Example: His resignation was attributed to stress. fare well with [L80] Meaning: get along well with Example: New creations do not usually fare well with mainstream publishers in any age.
D. IP Question Preparation: 2 minutes (note-taking) What should be done to encourage teenagers to read more books? Suggest TWO ways and explain. Preparation: 2 minutes (note-taking) Discussion: 2 minutes (Pair work) Presentation: 1 minute (IP) Presenters: 6C ( 03 ), 6D ( 04 )