Communicating w/ Drug Courts
Communicating w/ Drug Courts Some challenges: Trusted servant turnover; lack of follow through Lack of joint efforts with H&I Court card attendees overwhelm groups Groups don’t know where to get help ASCs are unaware of resources Drug courts are proliferating
Communicating w/ Drug Courts ASC/RSC NA & Drug Courts A Triangular Relationship Interacts w/Drug Court Concerns about Attendees Drug Court/ Parole Office/ Treatment Center NA Groups Court Card Attendees
Communicating w/ Drug Courts Some Resources/Approaches: Presentations to drug court personnel Chapter 6, PRHB Hold meetings at drug courts Newcomer Workshops Chapter 6, PRHB addendum Introduction to NA Meetings (SP)
Communicating w/ Drug Courts What’s NOT Working?
Communicating w/ Drug Courts What needs to happen? One idea: – court personnel and judge receive a presentation/follow-up from NA every six months Other Ideas?
Communicating w/ Drug Courts Contacting Drug Courts Many drug courts have their own websites, contact info can be found there The National Association of Drug Court Professionals website ( Check the court cards/slips for contact information Other ideas?
Communicating w/ Drug Courts Things to consider: Other “stakeholders” examples: parole board, treatment center that houses Drug Court attendees Drug courts typically support quarterly meetings for judges engage many judges at one time Use the PRHB to prepare Chapters 4 and 6, and also Drug Court FAQ
Communicating w/ Drug Courts