Serogroup B Meningococcal Disease
Program Overview
N. meningitidis and IMD
Meningococcal Serogroups: Global Distribution
Incidence of MenB Disease
Greater Heterogeneity Among Serogroup B Isolates
MenB Outbreaks: Frequent and Prolonged
Key Messages
MenB Infection and Prevention in the Czech Republic
Serogroup Distribution and Incidence of IMD
Clonal Complexes of N. meningitidis From IMD
Age-Specific Incidence of IMD: Surveillance Data
Coverage of Czech N meningitidis Isolates in 4CMenB Vaccine
MenB Infection and Prevention in Italy
Incidence of IMD, 2000-2016
IMD by Serogroup, 2011-2016
Incidence of IMD by Age Group in Italy
MenB Vaccination: National Immunization Plan Since 2017
MenB Infection and Prevention in the United Kingdom
UK National Immunization Plan for MenB
Uptake of 4CMenB
Rapid Decline in MenB Disease Since Implementation
Other Progress With MenB Since Implementation
Key Messages
Closing Remarks
Key Messages
Abbreviations (cont)