Skeletal/Muscular System Exploring the Knee Joint Lindsay Camm October 31, 2007
WHO-DEY?! How did Carson Palmer’s knee injury impact his life?
Articulations Dictionary definition: a joint in the body; a point of contact between two or more bones Examples: ankle, knee, hip, shoulder, elbow, carpal, vertebral
Synovial Joints (freely moveable joints like the knee) 7 structures: 1. Joint Capsule: connective tissue connecting bones on the outside 2. Synovial Membrane: moist, slippery membrane lining the inner surface of the joint capsule (lubricates and nourishes surfaces) 3. Articular Cartilage: connective tissue covering joint surfaces of the bones
Synovial Joints Continued... 4. Joint Cavity: small space between bones allowing movement 5. Menisci: pads of cartilage located between the ends of bones which help prevent bones from grinding 6. Ligaments: strong cords of dense, white fibrous tissue connecting bones 7. Bursae: closed pillow-like structures filled with synovial fluid to cushion
Knee Joint AKA-tibiofemoral joint uniaxial, hinge joint largest in the body main weight bearing joint very prone to injury because it is unprotected by surrounding muscle
Latin Prefixes ante- (anterior): in front of post- (posterior): behind med- (medial): middle lat- (lateral): side cruc- (cruciate): cross trans- (transverse): across