The Foundations of Islam
Qur’an means “Recitation” and was revealed to Muhammad from Allah over a 21-year period by the angel Gabriel The Qur’an
Muslim belief/doctrine is often summarized in "the Six Articles of Faith” (the first five are mentioned together in the Qur'an 2:285). God His angels His Messengers His Revealed Books The Day of Resurrection Al-Qadar, Divine Preordainments, i.e. whatever God has ordained must come to pass
The Five Pillars of Islam
Women in Islam The Prophet Mohamed in the Qur’an referred to his favorite wife Aisha and stated telling all Muslims to “Take half of your religion from this woman”. When Mohamed was asked who was most important after God, he said, “your mother, your mother, your mother, then your father. A young warrior wished to join the prophet in battle. Mohamed asked if he had his mother’s permission for “the path to heaven is near her feet”
Key Words Allah Zakat Ummah Hijrah Ahl al kitab Kabah Dhimmis Fitnah Qur’an Kerbala Salah Shii Shahada Caliphate Sawm Jihad Hajj Kafir
Names in the Arab World Hasan Ahmad Muhammad Yousef Al-Yamani Given Name Father Grandfather Greatgrandfather Family Records often alphabetized by first names In Iraq and Egypt often double first names with Muhammad Women do not acquire the husbands name after marriage On the Arabian Penninsula, “ibn”, ben or wld added before father’s name, ie Muhammade ibn Hussein ibn Ibrahim Someone you have just met in the Middle East might address you as Mr. Bill or Ms. Sarah
Key Words Sunnah Ali Hadith Hussein Twelver Shiisim Aisha Umayyad Sharia Abbasids Rashidun Savafid Abu Bakr Moghul Umar Ottoman Uthman Fatima
The Prophet Muhammad Son of Abdullah, born in Mecca in 570 AD Known to his tribe, the Quraysh as al amin, “the trusted one” He could neither read nor write At the age of 40, the angel Gabriel came to him and began the 21-23 years of revelations which became the Qur’an
The arrival of West in the Islamic World Issues Nationalism/ borders Separation of Church & State Secular enforcement Democracy