Vocabulary Part Two The crucible
Slipshod – this means messy or not doing a good job of cleaning Slovenly Slipshod – this means messy or not doing a good job of cleaning
Sophistication Urbanity – meaning someone who has a broad knowledge of the world outside of his own world
Abundant Plentiful
To Beguile To Fool
Adamant Unyielding – rigid
Cleave cling
Qualm Misgiving
Incredulously disbelievingly
plaintiff Complaining party
Effrontery Shameless boldness
Befuddled Confused
Imperceptible Not noticeable
Stained with corruption Tainted Stained with corruption
Ineffectually: clumsily Ineptly Ineffectually: clumsily
Wily Crafty
With extreme eagerness Avidly With extreme eagerness
Motionless with horror Transfixed Motionless with horror
Canny Cunning; crafty
Indignant Angry
Vengeance for an injury Retaliation Vengeance for an injury
Floundering Awkward confusion
abyss Bottomless pit of ruin
Dwindling Lessening
Quail Draw back in fear
Hateful or disgusting acts Abomination Hateful or disgusting acts
Indignant Angry