CHeCS: Bovine TB Accreditation


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Presentation transcript:

CHeCS: Bovine TB Accreditation November 2016

Cattle Health Certification Standards (CHeCS) Self regulatory body for UK cattle health schemes Established late 1999; non-trading organisation Sets standards for control and eradication of non-statutory diseases to which all licensed health schemes must adhere Herd health status in one scheme equivalent to that in all other schemes Licensed schemes in UK compatible with those in other countries

CHeCS is not itself a Cattle Health Scheme It is a regulatory body for Cattle Health Schemes Stamp of approval and quality mark signifying conformity to an industry standard Each participating scheme has to agree to the contents of the Technical Document, updated annually All participating labs for all tests work to ISO 17025 Very close liaison with Animal Health Ireland (AHI)

CHeCS Schemes Growth In 2004 only around 1% of UK herds were in a CHeCS scheme 2007 – 4.4% cattle farmers were members of CHeCS accredited schemes In 2012,13,500 -14,000 herds in some form of monitoring, control and eradication under a CHeCS accredited scheme (around 14% of cattle holdings) Dairy : Beef split – 40 : 60 Pedigree breed societies key players (~75% of members currently pedigree)

Uptake of Cattle Health Schemes Example: SAC Premium Cattle Health Scheme now has over 5000 UK members: 55% in Scotland 23% in England 20% in Wales 2% in Ireland

Bovine TB accreditation - the basics Voluntary Supported by Defra, Welsh Government Developed with BCVA and help of APHA Replaces APHA risk scoring (now on hold) Uses CHeCS’ expertise/track record in disease reduction Considers learnings on both CHeCS Johne’s risk scoring & New Zealand bTB certification Herd vet is integral

History First investigated in 2014 Various obstacles Launch date May, then October, now 28 November Still finalising technical standard Communication: Just started due to delays Vets: BCVA Congress 20 October, follow-up emailing, Vet Record etc Pedigree beef: NBA pedigree societies group 24 October TB Eradication Action Group (TBEAG): 27 October Next: TB implementation group for RBT/biosecurity, NFUs, AHDB, LAA/IAAS, CLA, TFA, breed societies, assurance, supply chains, retailers and processors, researchers.

Theory behind the programme In 2015, Amie Adkins examined the risk of a herd contracting bTB. She found the risk decreased up until year 10, after which the time since the last breakdown had no impact on likelihood of suffering another breakdown. While risk decreased with the passing of each year, Amie categorised the risk into brackets of 0-2 years, 2-6 years, 6- 10 years, then 10+ years.

Theory behind the programme In 2015, APHA sought to identify origin of infection and route of entry: Breakdowns in Edge area: purchased cattle 36%; local exposure 45% Breakdown in Low Risk area: purchased cattle 70% No data for the High Risk Area but likely to be similar to Edge area Indirect contact is important and likely the main route for infection in High Risk and Edge areas If indirect routes can be identified & addressed, there is more opportunity to prevent infection through targeted biosecurity

How it works Herd Level scoring (not individual animals) Similar to NZ, but with added requirements for biosecurity Herd Status 0 is OTF but less than a year since the last herd breakdown – therefore lowest status/most risk Herd Status 1 is between one and two years since the last herd breakdown…and so on Herd Status 10 is 10 years or more since the last herd breakdown – therefore highest status/least risk So in summary, dependent on meeting CHeCS standards and number of years since last breakdown

Signing up new members Cattle farmer & herd vet discuss/farmer decides to join Health Scheme requests & receives certification of CHeCS compliance from herd vet Health Scheme awards starting score Health Scheme creates accreditation certificate (valid for 12 months or until date of next test, whichever is first) Farmer contacts participating Health Scheme APHA places ‘flag’ on holding & sends farm’s 10-year test data back to Health Scheme Health scheme sends farmer membership form including privacy agreement, which is completed & returned Membership form & privacy agreement sent to APHA by Health Scheme Health Scheme notifies starting score to farmer via certificate

Benefits farmers … In high risk areas with low-risk holdings In lower/lowest risk areas who want to ‘accredit’ a beneficial status or risk level Buying in livestock who want to minimise exposure of herd to bTB infection Already in CHeCS schemes who would like to include bTB Who want to support Government and industry efforts

How does CHeCS bTB programme differ from statutory measures? Breakdowns in quarantine are recognised as not impacting herd Pre-movement testing required if low risk animal has ever been in a higher risk area Post-movement testing also required for animals moving from High risk area -> high risk area Low risk area -> low risk area Statutory rules still apply…but could be shaped by CHeCS in future through earned recognition

Role of vets Apply CHeCS standards to farm Develop and implement health plan Ensure quarantine and biosecurity measures met Make annual declaration about compliancy Pre- and Post-movement skin test Potentially gamma-interferon test (England, under licence) if helpful to management of disease Confirm any added animal breakdowns taking place in appropriate quarantine

Cost implications Annual fee likely to be low - £double digits per herd flat rate Involvement in other CHeCS schemes will dilute test vet call out costs In extra Pre- and Post-movement testing: Can combine with other tests Can combine with statutory testing Can add animals in larger batches Vet biosecurity declaration – based on knowledge of business but some inspection of facilities/boundaries may be needed

What stage are we at now? Launches 28 November with George Eustice on Bristol farm PCHS and HiHealth Health Schemes currently involved Data comes direct from APHA Sam database when tests results posted Data transfer trials still underway APHA Sam -> Health Schemes Initially 10-year test records to set start risk level Then updates Health Scheme as new test results notified ‘Early adopter’ farmers on board – currently 6, aiming for 10-12

Reasons for industry to get involved Before launch Help test processes and data transfer Early adopting herds will help increase uptake of programme Regional and ‘situational’ case studies for PR In general Opportunity to influence the future and avoid regulation Get back some control Some herds will benefit greatly