GoldExperience 통신공학설계실험 2003440033 Kim Hyun Tai 2003440025 Kim Jung Woo 2003440004 Kim Dae Hyun
triangle함수(1) function x=triangle(tau, T1, T2, fs, df) % %************************************************* % Generation of triangular pulse % tau : pulse width [sec] % fs : sampling frequency % fs must be greater than or equal to 2/T % [T1, T2] : observation time interval [sec] % df : frequency resolution [Hz] % example % x=rect(2, -5, 5, 10, 0.01) %************************************************** 2
triangle함수(2) %clear %tau=2; %T1=-5; T2=5; %df=0.01; %frequency resolution %fs=10; %sampling frequency ts=1/fs; %sampling period t=[T1:ts:T2]; %observation time interval 3
triangle함수(3) % Signal genaration of triangular pulse x=zeros(size(t)); midpoint=floor((T2-T1)/2/ts)+1; L1=midpoint-fix(tau/2/ts); L2=midpoint+fix(tau/2/ts)-1; x(L1:midpoint)=(2/tau)*t(L1:midpoint)+1; %2/tau is the slope x(midpoint+1:L2)=-(2/tau)*t(midpoint+1:L2)+1; %[X,x1,df1]=fftseq(x,ts,df); %X1=X/fs; %scaling %f=[0:df1:df1*(length(x1)-1)]-fs/2; %frequency vector (range to plot) %plot(t,x); axis([T1, T2 -2 4]) 4
DSB_SC (1) % DSB_SC.m % Matlab program example for DSBSC-AM modulation % The message signal is triangular pulse with pulse width tau=0.1 % clear echo on df=0.3; % desired frequency resolution [Hz] ts=1/1000; % sampling interval [sec] fs=1/ts; % sampling frequency fc=250; % carrier frequency T1=-0.1; T2=0.1; % observation time interval (from T1 to T2 sec) t=[T1:ts:T2]; % observation time vector N = length(t); snr=20; % SNR in dB (logarithmic) snr_lin=10^(snr/10); % linear SNR 5
DSB_SC (2) % message signal tau=0.1; % Pulse width [sec] x=triangle(tau, T1, T2, fs, df); xc=cos(2*pi*fc.*t); % carrier signal xm=x.*xc; % mixing (xm is modulated signal) [X,x,df1]=fft_mod(x,ts,df); % Fourier transform of message signal X=X/fs; % scaling f=[0:df1:df1*(length(x)-1)]-fs/2; %frequency vector (range to plot) [Xm,xm,df1]=fft_mod(xm,ts,df); % Fourier transform of modulated signal Xm=Xm/fs; % scaling [XC,xc,df1]=fft_mod(xc,ts,df); % Fourier transform of carrier signal_power=norm(xm(1:N))^2/N; % power in modulated signal noise_power=signal_power/snr_lin; % compute noise power noise_std=sqrt(noise_power); % compute noise standard deviation noise=noise_std*randn(1,length(xm)); % generate noise 6
DSB_SC (3) r=xm+noise; % add noise to the modulated signal [R,r,df1]=fft_mod(r,ts,df); % spectrum of the signal+noise R=R/fs; % scaling %pause % Press a key to show the modulated signal power signal_power pause % Press any key to see the message signal waveform clf % ---------------------------------------------------------------- % Time domain waveforms of message signal and modulated signal subplot(2,1,1) plot(t,xc(1:length(t))) xlabel('Time') title('Carrier waveform') 7
DSB_SC (4) subplot(2,1,1) plot(t,x(1:length(t))) xlabel('Time') title('Message signal') pause % Press any key to see the modulated signal waveform subplot(2,1,2) plot(t,xm(1:length(t))) title('Modulated signal') pause % Press any key to see the spectra % ---------------------------------------------------------------- % Frequency domain plots of signal spectral plot(f,abs(fftshift(X))) xlabel('Frequency‘) 8
DSB_SC (5) title('Spectrum of the message signal') subplot(2,1,2) plot(f,abs(fftshift(Xm))) title('Spectrum of the modulated signal') xlabel('Frequency') pause % Press a key to see a noise sample % ---------------------------------------------------------------- % Waveform and spectrum of signal plus noise clf subplot(2,1,1) plot(t,noise(1:length(t))) title('noise sample') xlabel('Time') pause % Press a key to see the modulated signal and noise 9
DSB_SC (6) plot(t,r(1:length(t))) title('Signal and noise') xlabel('Time') pause % Press a key to see spectra of modulated signal and noise subplot(2,1,1) plot(f,abs(fftshift(Xm))) title('Signal spectrum') xlabel('Frequency') subplot(2,1,2) plot(f,abs(fftshift(R))) title('Signal and noise spectrum') 10
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DSBSC_DEM (1) % DSBSC_DEM.m % Matlab program example for DSBSC-AM demodulation % The message signal is triangular pulse with pulse width tau=0.1 clear echo on df=0.3; % desired frequency resolution [Hz] ts=1/1500; % sampling interval [sec] fs=1/ts; % sampling frequency fc=250; % carrier frequency T1=-0.1; T2=0.1; % observation time interval (from T1 to T2 sec) t=[T1:ts:T2]; % observation time vector % ----------------------------------------------- % modulation : DSB-SC tau=0.1; % Pulse width [sec] x=triangle(tau, T1, T2, fs, df); % message signal 16
DSBSC_DEM (2) %x=rect(tau, T1, T2, fs, df); % message signal xc=cos(2*pi*fc.*t); % carrier signal xm=x.*xc; % mixing (xm is modulated signal) [X,x,df1]=fft_mod(x,ts,df); % Fourier transform of message signal X=X/fs; % scaling [Xm,xm,df1]=fft_mod(xm,ts,df); % Fourier transform of modulated signal Xm=Xm/fs; % scaling [XC,xc,df1]=fft_mod(xc,ts,df); % Fourier transform of carrier clf f=[0:df1:df1*(length(xm)-1)]-fs/2; %frequency vector (range to plot) subplot(2,1,1) plot(t,x(1:length(t))) %xlabel('Time') title('Message signal') subplot(2,1,2) 17
DSBSC_DEM (3) plot(t,xm(1:length(t))) xlabel('Time') title('Modulated signal') pause % Press any key to see the spectra subplot(2,1,1) plot(f,abs(fftshift(X))) %xlabel('Frequency') title('Spectrum of the message signal') subplot(2,1,2) plot(f,abs(fftshift(Xm))) title('Spectrum of the modulated signal') xlabel('Frequency') % ---------------------------------------------- % AWGN noise channel %signal_power=norm(xm(1:N))^2/N; % power in modulated signal %noise_power=signal_power/snr_lin; % compute noise power 18
DSBSC_DEM (4) %noise_std=sqrt(noise_power); % compute noise standard deviation %noise=noise_std*randn(1,length(xm)); % generate noise %r=xm+noise; % add noise to the modulated signal r=xm; % received signal (r=rx for distortionless channel) [R,r,df1]=fft_mod(r,ts,df); % spectrum of the received signal R=R/fs; % scaling % ----------------------------------------------- % demodulation : coherent detection % We use ideal lowpass filter in this example. y=r.*xc; % mixing [Y,y,df1]=fft_mod(y,ts,df); % Fourier transform of mixer output Y=Y/fs; % scaling f_cutoff=150; % cutoff frequency of the filter n_cutoff=floor(f_cutoff/df1); % design the filter 19
DSBSC_DEM (5) H=zeros(size(f)); H(1:n_cutoff)=2*ones(1,n_cutoff); % freq. response of the lowpass filter H(length(f)-n_cutoff+1:length(f))=2*ones(1,n_cutoff); % note that the filter is periodic Z=H.*Y; % spectrum of the filter output z=real(ifft(Z))*fs; % filter output waveform pause % Press a key to see the effect of mixing clf subplot(3,1,1) plot(f,fftshift(abs(X))) title('Spectrum of the the Message Signal') %xlabel('Frequency') subplot(3,1,2) plot(f,fftshift(abs(R))) title('Spectrum of the Received Signal') 20
DSBSC_DEM (6) %xlabel('Frequency') subplot(3,1,3) plot(f,fftshift(abs(Y))) title('Spectrum of the Mixer Output') xlabel('Frequency') pause % Press a key to see the effect of filtering on the mixer output clf subplot(3,1,1) subplot(3,1,2) plot(f,fftshift(abs(H))) title('Lowpass Filter Characteristics') 21
DSBSC_DEM (7) plot(f,fftshift(abs(Z))) title('Spectrum of the Demodulator output') xlabel('Frequency') pause % Press a key to compare the spectra of the message an the received signal clf subplot(2,1,1) plot(f,fftshift(abs(X))) title('Spectrum of the Message Signal') %xlabel('Frequency') subplot(2,1,2) title('Spectrum of the Demodulator Output') pause % Press a key to see the message and the demodulator output signals 22
DSBSC_DEM (8) plot(t,x(1:length(t))) title('The Message Signal') %xlabel('Time') subplot(2,1,2) plot(t,z(1:length(t))) title('The Demodulator Output') xlabel('Time') 23
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COMPUTER EXERCISES(2.1) % ce2_1: Computes generalized Fourier series coefficients for exponentially % decaying signal, exp(-t)u(t), or sinewave, sin(2*pi*t) % tau = input(¡¯Enter approximating pulse width: ¡¯); type_wave = input(¡¯Enter waveform type: 1 = decaying exponential; 2 = sinewave ¡¯); if type_wave == 1 t_max = input(¡¯Enter duration of exponential: ¡¯); elseif type_wave == 2 t_max = 1; end clf a = []; t = 0:.01:t_max; cn = tau; n_max = floor(t_max/tau) for n = 1:n_max 30
COMPUTER EXERCISES(2.1) LL = (n-1)*tau; UL = n*tau; if type_wave == 1 a(n) = (1/cn)*quad(@integrand_exp, LL, UL); elseif type_wave == 2 a(n) = (1/cn)*quad(@integrand_sine, LL, UL); end disp(¡¯ ¡¯) disp(¡¯c_n¡¯) disp(cn) disp(¡¯Expansion coefficients (approximating pulses not normalized):¡¯) disp(a) x_approx = zeros(size(t)); for n = 1:n_max 31
COMPUTER EXERCISES(2.1) x_approx = x_approx + a(n)*phi(t/tau,n-1); end if type_wave == 1 MSE = quad(@integrand_exp2, 0, t_max) - cn*a*a¡¯; elseif type_wave == 2 MSE = quad(@integrand_sine2, 0, t_max) - cn*a*a¡¯; disp(¡¯Mean-squared error:¡¯) disp(MSE) disp(¡¯ ¡¯) plot(t, x_approx), axis([0 t_max -inf inf]), xlabel(¡¯t¡¯), ylabel(¡¯x(t); x_a_p_p_r_o_x(t)¡¯) hold plot(t, exp(-t)) title([¡¯Approximation of exp(-t) over [0, ¡¯,num2str(t_max),¡¯] with contiguous rectangular pulses of width ¡¯,num2str(tau)]) 32
COMPUTER EXERCISES(2.1) elseif type_wave == 2 plot(t, x_approx), axis([0 t_max -inf inf]), xlabel(¡¯t¡¯), ylabel(¡¯x(t); x_a_p_p_r_o_x(t)¡¯) hold plot(t, sin(2*pi*t)) title([¡¯Approximation of sin(2*pi*t) over [0, ¡¯,num2str(t_max),¡¯] with contiguous rectangular pulses of width ¡¯,num2str(tau)]) end % Decaying exponential function for ce_1 % function z = integrand_exp(t) z = exp(-t); % Sine function for ce_1 function z = integrand_sine(t) z = sin(2*pi*t); % Decaying exponential squared function for ce_1 33
COMPUTER EXERCISES(2.1) % function z = integrand_exp2(t) z = exp(-2*t); % Sin^2 function for ce_1 function z = integrand_sine2(t) z = (sin(2*pi*t)).^2; A typical run follows: >> ce2_1 Enter approximating pulse width: 0.125 Enter waveform type: 1 = decaying exponential; 2 = sinewave: 2 n_max = 8 c_n 0.1250 Expansion coefficients (approximating pulses not normalized): 34
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Goldexperience 감 사 합 니 다 36