PHYSIOLOGY OF LACTATION Preparation of breasts - (Mammogenesis) Synthesis and secretion from breast alveoli -(lactogenesis) Ejection of milk- (galactokinesis) Maintenance of lactation -(galactopoiesis)
MILK PRODUCION Mother produce 600-800ml of milk a day to feed her infant with about 500kcal/day. This requires about 600kcal/day for the mother For this purpose a store, of about 5kg of fat during pregnancy is essential.
COLOSTRUM Colostrum is the secretion from the breast, which starts during pregnancy becomes more abundant during first two days following delivery.
COMPOSITION Deep yellow serous fluid. Alkaline High specific gravity, High protein, Vit A, sodium and chloride content . Low carbohydrate. Low fat and potassium.
ADVANTAGES The antibodies (IgA, IgG, IgM) humoral factors (lactoferrin) Laxative action on the baby because of large fat globules
PROPERTIES OF BREAST MILK It varies in composition: With time of day With stage of lactation Individual variation In response to maternal nutrition
COMPOSTION Fat : 3.5g/100ml Carbohydrate (lactose) 7g/100ml Protein : 1.2g /100ml Vitamins Fat soluble vitamins :Vitamin A Vitamin D Vitamin E Vitamin K Water soluble vitamins : Vitamin C
Cont… Minerals and trace element Calcium Anti infective factors Zinc Calcium Anti infective factors Immunoglobulin Ly sozyme Lactoferrin Bifidus factor Hormones and growth factors Water : 89% Calories : 75kcal/ml Sodium 7mmol /L
CARE OF BREAST Breast hygiene-daily washing Proper breast support Normal flora of the breast should be protected
PREPARATION FOR BREAST FEEDING DURING PREGNANCY Started from middle of the pregnancy Cracked or depressed nipple should be adequately treated Massaging of the breast, expression of colostrum and maintenance of cleanliness should be carried out during the last weeks of pregnancy. Mothers should be counselled about advantages of breast feeding.
FOLLOWING DELIVERY Frequent breast feeding Plenty of fluids to drink Avoid engorgement
SUPPRESSION OF LACTATION DRUGS Bromocriptine 2.5mg,bd,for 2 week Ethynl oestradiol 0.05mg,tid,for 5days MECHANICAL Stop breast feeding Should not express milk Compression bandage Analgesic