Min-max Robust Model Predictive Control D.Odloak PQI5781- Controle de Processos Químicos II (AIChE Journal, 2004, 50 (8), 1824-1836)
Process Model – OPOM (Stable systems) , , , where
Extended IHMPC Objective Function (OF) Bounded OF Bounding constraint (end constraint)
Extended IHMPC Objective Function where
Extended IHMPC Optimization Problem
Min-Max Robust IHMPC We define
Min-Max Robust IHMPC Objective Function where H, cf and c are computed with and the terminal cost is computed with
Min-Max Robust IHMPC Optimization Problem (25) , Min-Max Robust IHMPC Optimization Problem Problem P4 Subject to (25)
Example: Debutanizer column
Example: Debutanizer column
Example: Debutanizer column