Franklin D. Roosevelt’s Appeal In 1932 presidential election, FDR was perceived as a man of action. Even though Talmadge was against him, many Georgians liked FDR!
The New Deal President Franklin Delano Roosevelt (FDR) wanted to bring America out of the Great Depression The New Deal: FDR’s set of government plans and programs to improve America’s economy. ---2min
Purposes of the New Deal Relief: to provide jobs for the unemployed and to protect farmers from foreclosure Recovery: to get the economy back into high gear, “priming the pump” Reform: To regulate banks, to abolish child labor, and to conserve farm lands
Rural Electrification (REA) “Important and far –reaching” of the New Deal programs. Rural population too spread out-power lines were expensive to build and maintain President Roosevelt spent hot nights in Warm Springs, GA. His power bill for the little cottage was higher than his New York mansion. REA loaned over $300 million to farmers to help them extend their power lines. farmers got electric water pumps, lights, and milking machines.
Civilian Conservation Corp (CCC) Provided 78,000 jobs to young men in GA Built dams, power plants, roads and miles of wiring, state parks 6 month contracts ($30 per month, $25 must be sent home to families)
Agriculture Adjustment Act (AAA) Paid farmers not to plant crops on part of their land “price supports”-guaranteed higher prices-to farmers who cut back their cotton and tobacco crops. “raise prices by cutting production” Major drawback: gov’t grants went to landowners and not sharecroppers. AAA was eventually declared unconstitutional by the U.S. Supreme Court because it was not voluntary.
Social Security Act Passed in 1935 the Social Security Act provided : - retirement benefits - unemployment insurance - welfare payments to the needy