Governance of social security Recurrent discussion on the strategic objective of social protection (social security): Social security for social justice and a fair globalization 100th Session of the International Labour Conference, June 2011
Governance of social security: Main issues Main objectives Ensuring benefit adequacy Ensuring effectiveness Enhancing efficiency Fostering coordination of various actors Ensuring policy coherence Importance of institutional frameworks for effective governance General responsibility of the State Participation of stakeholders: role of social partners Social dialogue
The role of the State Ensuring adequate design of benefit scope and range of benefit entitlements Ensuring proper administration of social security institutions (including inspection) and provision of benefits (direct provision or delegation to parastatal or private sector entities) General responsibility of the State Ensuring coherent policy design and implementation Ensuring effective policy monitoring mechanisms Coherence of economic and social policies Ensuring adequate technical capacities and effective monitoring Ensuring coordination between different government agencies Effective institutional capacities
Participation of stakeholders: The role of social partners Contribute to enhancing the design, implementation and monitoring of social security policies Participation in policy design, implementation and monitoring Contribute to enhancing the governance, monitoring and administration of social security schemes Participation in governance of social security schemes Effective participation requires strong partners with adequate capacities and effective institutional frameworks Effective participation of social partners
Effective social dialogue in social security identify and implement effective response mechanisms during crises contribute to preparing and implementing major reforms contribute to determining an appropriate design of benefit systems contribute to monitoring policies ensure coherence of economic and social policies ensure sound governance of labour markets and social security manage change smoothly Social dialogue helps ensuring national consensus on social security social dialogue
Guidance for future ILO work on the governance of social security Knowledge generation and dissemination Web-based platform GESS (Global Extension of Social Security) Research and statistics Social Security Best Protection Guide Capacity building Capacity-building for constituents through partnership with ILO-ITC in Turin and a network of universities Technical advisory services Policy planning tools Tailor-made technical advice on specific issues
Suggested points for discussion How can governments, workers and employers contribute to enhancing the design, governance and administration of social security systems? How can institutional frameworks be improved to support these efforts?