As you enter: Consider the 9 traits around the room. Which one best characterizes you as an educator? Stand near your trait and share with those around you about why you chose this trait. Michael
At your poster: Introduce yourself to a partner (make sure s/he can pronounce your name correctly) and share why you chose your trait Be prepared to introduce your partner to the group Michael
Welcome to the District Assessment Selection Committee (DASC)! Michael October 4, 2017
Agenda Our work so far Shoreline’s Instructional Strategic Plan Assessment framework Norms for our work Determine priorities Meeting dates Michael Intro 4:30-4:40 DARC 4:40-4:50 ISP and Frameworks 4:50-5:35 Break 5:35 - 5:45 Norms 5:45-5:50 Starting on rubric 5:50-6:25 Close 6:25-6:30
A look back at the DARC side. Michael
Shoreline Public Schools Instructional Strategic Plan Engaging Minds. Inspiring Dreams. Empowering Lives. Shoreline Public Schools Instructional Strategic Plan Ellen
Ellen Reminder - the Mission was created by the Board and Superintendent prior to the creation of the Instructional Strategic Plan.
All students can achieve SHARED BELIEFS All students can achieve All students can grow to reach their academic and personal excellence. Equitable access to rigorous learning is essential All students will be provided with equitable instruction, access to innovative programs, and necessary supports for success. Diversity makes our community stronger We view diversity as an asset. Fostering an environment of dignity and respect, all individuals, opinions, and contributions are valued. Curiosity sparks creativity and innovation Students will be encouraged to generate questions, explore topics of interest, and engage in inquiry to develop new ideas and novel ways of thinking. Respect, empathy, and collaboration are at the core of community Students will broaden their perspectives by seeking to understand the perspectives and experiences of others to enable them to work collaboratively. Students will understand their role and responsibilities in our local and global community. Ellen Talking points: Can review quickly, however if your training connects explicitly to one of these beliefs, make those concrete connections here.
Instructional Strategic Plan Directions We will design and implement systems of learning that honor individual student goals and dreams, while building college and career readiness in an environment that supports social, emotional, and physical well being. Support a culture of ongoing learning and growth. Embrace equity and diversity. Know our students and meet their social, emotional, and academic needs. Foster students’ ability to develop academic, life, and career skills. Teach in ways that are relevant, engaging, innovative, student-driven, and rigorous. Ellen
Now think about assessment... Discuss with a partner - How should our assessment practices reflect our Instructional Strategic Plan? Ellen
Guiding Principles The purpose of assessment in Shoreline Public Schools is to accurately and efficiently measure all students’ progress toward meeting district standards and achieving college and career readiness. In order to do this, assessments should: be designed to inform instruction; produce actionable/meaningful data; and maximize instructional/learning time. Ellen
Assessment Framework Guiding Principles Comprehensive Assessment System Questions Guiding Our Work Purpose of Assessment... Ellen
Assessment Framework Each Teach - In teams of 3 Each person read one section and be ready to teach your group, including: A brief summary Key points One example/application Ellen
Assessment Framework Guiding Principles Comprehensive Assessment System Questions Guiding Our Work Purpose of Assessment... Ellen
Each Teach In your team of 3, take turns sharing about your section, including A brief summary Key points One example/application Ellen
Group Debrief What are the essential elements of the Assessment Framework and Instructional Strategic Plan that we need to consider when selecting assessments? Ellen
Our Norms Fully Engaged Open Collaborative Understand first Solution oriented
What are the big picture priorities for Shoreline district assessments? How will we know if an assessment meets our needs?
Group Work: Establish Priorities Form 4 groups with elementary, secondary, and SLC staff in each. You will be assigned a group category Based on the ISP and assessment frameworks, identify key elements of a rubric for reviewing assessments. Consider philosophical, practical, and technical perspectives. Go nuts! Write those on your chart. When time is called, rotate to the other charts and add additional ideas to their category. CATEGORIES Test Administration Curriculum Alignment Assessment Reports Technology
FALL MEETING DATES All meetings will be from 4:30-6:30 in room I-107 October 7 - TONIGHT October 19 November 8 December 6 December 13 January 4 Dates for 3-4 more meetings in the spring will be agreed upon later.