NSCI 324* Systems Neuroscience Doug Munoz Centre for Neuroscience Studies Botterell Hall, room 226 x32111 doug.munoz@queensu.ca Tutorial: Monday Jan 16, 2011 10:30am Botterell B147 TA: Jay Jantz (j.jantz@queensu.ca)
NSCI 324* Systems Neuroscience Vision and Oculomotor Control (Dr. Munoz) January 10 The retina January 13 Central Visual Pathways January 16 Dr. Munoz Tutorial: January 16 Higher Visual functions January 17 Oculomotor System I. Basic organization January 20 Oculomotor System II. Vestibulo-ocular reflex January 23 Dr. Munoz tutorial: January 23 Oculomotor System III. Saccades January 24 Basal Ganglia for cognitive and motor control January 27 review of Dr. Munoz lecture material January 30 Dr. Munoz exam in tutorial period
Visual system II: Central Pathways
Ganglion cell axons exit retina at Optic Disk
Ganglion Neurons: Magnocellular and Parvocellular Magnocellular pathway Large cell body Larger receptive fields Transient response to sustained illumination Gross features of image and movement achromatic Parvocellular pathway More numerous Smaller receptive fields Wavelength selective (ie colour tuning) Fine detail of image
Visual cortex Area 17
Lateral Geniculate Nucleus (relay nucleus in thalamus) Layers 1,4,6 = contra eye Layers 2,3,5 = ipsi eye Layers 1,2 = magnocellular Layers 3-6 = parvocellular
neoCortex has 6 layers neuro4e-fig-12-10-1r.jpg
Retina, LGN Visual cortex
Extrastriate Visual Pathways Dorsal stream – toward parietal cortex – action pathway Ventral stream – toward inferotemporal cortex – perception pathway Action Perception