Do Now 10/02 Preview 10% Summary Article DLO: SWBAT read an article , identify the main idea and details, then create a summary.
10/02 Agenda Do Now: Preview 10% Summary Article Introduce what a 10% summary is. Read and annotate the article “ Newest Immigrants Assimilating as Fast as Previous Ones.” Pick out main idea and details Create a summary Assessment/Homework: Finish Performance Task DLO: SWBAT read an article , identify the main idea and details, then create a summary.
Do Now 10/03 Set up notebook and open text to page 28. DLO: SWBAT analyze the text through various analysis questions in the textbook.
10/03 Agenda Do Now: Set up notebook and open text to page 28. Analyzing the text #’s 1, 2, 3, 7 Critical Vocabulary #’s 1-5 Homework: Study for test THURSDAY! DLO: SWBAT analyze the text through various analysis questions in the textbook.
Do Now 10/04 Get your notebooks out and your phones ready for KAHOOT!!! DLO: SWBAT review for the assessment so they will be successful.
10/04 Agenda Do Now: Notebooks ready to look at notes. Play Kahoot review game. Complete study guide Homework: Study for test tomorrow! DLO: SWBAT review for the assessment so they will be successful.
Do Now 10/05 Review your study guide for 5 minutes. DLO: SWBAT successfully complete the “MFC” assessment.
10/05 Agenda Do Now: Review your study guide for 5 minutes. “My Favorite Chaperone” Test Read independently OR take a reading counts quiz. Homework: Read for 20 minutes tonight. DLO: SWBAT successfully complete the “MFC” assessment.
Do Now 10/06 Test results review DLO: SWBAT finish all open assignments as review their grades.
10/06 Agenda Do Now: Look over graded test. Review test answers, discuss wrong ones. Finish any opened assignments, 10% summary, Performance task summary, analysis review question p. 28. Read independently DLO: SWBAT finish all open assignments as review their grades.