What are the current guidelines for healthy living What are the current guidelines for healthy living? Why do you think people don’t follow these guidelines?
What is meant by health Psychology? (3 Marks) Exam questions What is meant by health Psychology? (3 Marks) With reference to at least two areas, discuss the work of a health psychologist. (12 marks)
Pete has been admitted to rehab clinics on a regular basis over the past 3 years. He has had drug dependency and addiction issues for around 5-6 years which has seriously jeopardized his health. Pete abuses heroin on a regular basis, mainly injecting the substance. However, he has failed to fully comply with any of his doctor’s orders. This includes complete detoxification (controlled withdrawal from drugs) which also involves counseling sessions. In your groups: List all of the Biopsychosocial factors that may be preventing Pete from choosing a healthy lifestyle.
According to the Specification you need to be able to : Describe, with reference to heroin and ONE other drug: Mode of action Effects Tolerance Physical / psychological dependancies withdrawal
Node of Action:
You can think of a brain pathway as a power line that connects two brain regions. Brain pathways are made up of interconnected neurons along which signals are transmitted from one brain region to another. Dopamine is the neurotransmitter used by the reward pathway. But there are two other important pathways in the brain that utilize dopamine. Generally, drugs that affect dopamine levels in the brain affect all three of these dopamine pathways.
Dopamine and another neurotransmitter called Serotonin are released by a small number of neurons in the brain. Nigrostriatal pathway Substantia Nigra to Striatum . Motor control . Death of neurons in this pathway can result in Parkinson's Disease Tuberoinfundibular pathway Hypothalamus to Pituitary gland . Hormonal regulation . Maternal behavior (nurturing) . Pregnancy . Sensory processes Mesolimbic and Mesocortical pathways Ventral Tegmental Area to Nucleus Accumbens, Amygdala & Hippocampus, and Prefrontal Cortex . Memory . Motivation and emotional response . Reward and desire . Addiction . Can cause hallucinations and schizophrenia if not functioning properly
Serotonin is another neurotransmitter that is affected by many of the drugs of abuse, including cocaine, amphetamines, LSD, and alcohol. Serotonin plays a role in many brain processes, including regulation of body temperature, sleep, mood, appetite and pain. Problems with the serotonin pathway can cause obsessive-compulsive disorder, anxiety disorders, and depression. Most of the drugs used to treat depression today work by increasing serotonin levels in the brain. Raphe Nuclei To Spinal Cord
Glutamate and GABA A system in Balance Glutamate and GABA (gamma-aminobutyric acid) are the brain's major "workhorse" neurotransmitters. Over half of all brain synapses release glutamate, and 30-40% of all brain synapses release GABA. Since GABA is inhibitory and glutamate is excitatory, both neurotransmitters work together to control many processes, including the brain's overall level of excitation. Many of the drugs of abuse affect either glutamate or GABA or both to exert tranquilizing or stimulating effects on the brain.
As an antagonist of the GABA receptor, Heroin blocks GABA binding As an antagonist of the GABA receptor, Heroin blocks GABA binding. This in turn elevates the quantity of Dopamine produced in this pathway. This causes an increase in the concentration of dopamine at the synapse throughout the reward pathway.
Node of Action:
In groups….. Use this system to explain how tolerance may occur… Why may the first ‘high’ never be achieved? Describe how this leads to physiological dependence? Describe how this leads to psychological dependence? Why is withdrawal so bad?
Heroin - Effects http://learn.genetics.utah.edu/content/addiction/drugs/abuse.html http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zgCprJPSlpA&oref=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fresults%3Fsearch_query%3Dtrainspotting%2Bperfect%2Bday%26aq%3Df&has_verified=1 Withdrawal : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7hw4HvuHnQ8&NR=1
HW – Next week Complete the two questions from last lessons worksheet. Read and make notes on Heroin in textbook Look and Talk to Frank website http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aBR2_mc6A4c – Watch this documentary and make notes on the Biopsychosocial effects of Bens addiction. i.e. Biological, cognitive, social and learning Read and make notes on the PET ejaculation study.