Please take out your science notebook and agenda. Walk-In Welcome! Please take out your science notebook and agenda. Fill out this week’s activities in your agenda (8/6 – 8/10)
Science Notebook
Science Notebooks A tool for scientists to record their thinking and their learning before, during and after a science investigation. Bring this notebook with you everyday to class. Everything from science class will be written in this notebook. Some important handouts will be pasted or taped into this notebook. The rest go into your science folder.
Front Cover Information We will now label your notebook and folder. First & Last Name Science Period
Label notebook and folder Write your First name and last name Period # 6th grade, Rm. A6 Write big, with a dark marker!
Notebook Expectations Writing is neat and legible. Color coding, drawing graphs and diagrams, etc. is neat and done with a ruler. Each day’s topic has the TITLE and the DATE, and goes in sequence at the FRONT of your notebook. Walk-In questions go at the back.
Why Do Titles and Dates Matter? Titles and dates help you to find notes or topics that are being discussed in class. If you are absent, you can check the class webpage for which notes you need to make up, by looking for the dates you were absent on.
If You Forget Your Notebook… We are all human. If you forget your notebook once in a while, quietly get scrap paper from the paper bins to use for that day’s notes. Copy them into your notebook when you get home. If you forget frequently, this is a problem with responsibility and organization. We will have a chat about changes you need to make, and your parents may need to be contacted so they can help you get organized.
What To Do If You Are Absent Always check the class webpage at , even before you return to school. We will practice using the class webpage so you get used to where to look. Check the Absent Student folders at the back table if there was a handout given out.
Ideas for Getting Caught Up Exchange phone numbers and email addresses with classmates in each class, so you have a few people you can contact for make-up work. Email Mr. Kahn at to ask for notes and handouts, when possible. Borrow a classmate’s notebook to copy the notes you missed. Visit the class webpage.
Table of Contents on pages 1-2 Topics
Write this on the next page of your notebook! Email Mr. Kahn at Class webpage is at Student Gmail account: Username: # @ Password: usual Kyrene password