Online Learning and Green Politics Global Greens & European Greens Congress Liverpool, 1st April 2017
Online learning Aim Signature List
Advance GREEN capacity building. Aim Signature List
Who is who?
In the coming 90 minutes… 1. Green European Foundation Experience 2. Reflect & share information 3. Wrap up & final tips
IMPACT EUROPE Online Course for Green Activists
complement face-to-face trainings WHY? complement face-to-face trainings
reach beyond face-to-face transnational seminars WHY? reach beyond face-to-face transnational seminars
GEF & Greens/EFA: beginners course for young activists on WHAT? GEF & Greens/EFA: beginners course for young activists on 10h learning EU, Greens, Activism
A 5-step plan Study Target group Identify platform Develop partial curriculum Test Develop further
A 5-step plan Study Target group Identify platform Develop partial curriculum Test Develop further
Focus group: FYEG, green foundations, Greens/EFA advisors Target group Focus group: FYEG, green foundations, Greens/EFA advisors
Target group The “INSIDERS” The “OUTSIDERS” THEY ARE: THEY ARE Already interested in Green issues Active in NGOs / members of young Green organisations / interns for green parties or EP. THEY WANT: To understand the complex aspects of EU policy Opportunities to discuss their ideas, gain arguments to consolidate their own opinions To gain international experience & contacts To improve their projects & employability The “OUTSIDERS” THEY ARE Have an interest in world events They wish to be involved with political issues but don’t know how Open towards green ideas but don’t consider themselves as greens THEY WANT: To get an idea on how to be part of the change they envisage for the world around To get involved Gain experience and develop themselves To become active
LEARNING OBJECTIVES Better argument their own ideas and views on what is “going on in the world” by including a European dimension in formulating their arguments; Recognise the role of EU institutions and procedures that work in areas of their interests; Have better access to resources by knowing where to find further information on EU issues of their interest; Identify ways to get involved in activities which might change the course of politics on a European level;
A 5-step plan Study Target group Identify platform Develop partial curriculum Test Develop further
video-focused interactive modern gamification-friendly …FUN TO USE A platform that is… video-focused interactive modern gamification-friendly …FUN TO USE
THE FORUM Background – training need?
VIDEOS Background – training need?
QUIZ Background – training need?
GRADUATION PROJECT Based on your interests, environment and resources, define YOUR actions for a better EUROPE! Background – training need?
OVERALL QUALITY Data: Jan/Feb 2017
What did you take away from this course? I have a better understanding of the Green movement in Europe. In addition I also received more knowledge about the flaws of the EU as a system. Better awareness of the actual processes carried out by the people involved in, and externally influencing, political decision-making. That EU policies affect citizens more than they realise. The EU needs to be more transparent." I learned about how much power I actually have to influence and change political decisions related to my own future. Until this time, I did not really have a deep knowledge about green activism and parties, but now I feel like I know more about this topics, and the actual problems, than the average person.
Your Graduation Project?
While participants were learning about the EU, Greens and Activism…
We were learning that…
1. E-Learning is a powerful tool 2. Complement with face-to-face 3 1. E-Learning is a powerful tool 2. Complement with face-to-face 3. Wide reach with less resources
Update, improve, promote!
LET’S EXCHANGE - learning from each other
REFLECTION: Which Resources can I share What are my Needs Footer
EXCHANGE: What can we learn from each other ?
THANK YOU ……Let’s stay in touch. www. gef THANK YOU ……Let’s stay in touch ! Twitter: @gef_Europe FB: @GreenEuropeanFoundation