March 6 - 10
How do unicellular organisms reproduce? Asexual – binary fission Science Thoughts 3/6 How do unicellular organisms reproduce? Asexual – binary fission
Pretest Notes – Mendel and reproduction Monday in class Pretest Notes – Mendel and reproduction
What are the three types of asexual reproduction? Science Thoughts 3/7 What are the three types of asexual reproduction? Binary Fission Host cells Budding
Notes – Mendel and reproduction Read: sexual vs asexual reproduction Tuesday in class Notes – Mendel and reproduction Read: sexual vs asexual reproduction
What did Mendel name his three generations? P F1 F2 Science Thoughts 3/8 What did Mendel name his three generations? P F1 F2
Finish reading Sort organisms Gather data Wednesday in class Finish reading Sort organisms Gather data
Next Steps: Sexual/Asexual Reproduction Reading Read the passage and complete the following: Characteristics chart A 6 word summary at the end of the reading Complete the questions in notebook Get the organism pictures and cut out. Glue them into three categories: Sexual Both Asexual 5 pictures 3 pictures 4 pictures
Science Thoughts 3/9 What is the advantage of sexual reproduction? Greater diversity leads to better chance of species survival.
Determine asexual vs sexual reproduction Thursday in class Determine asexual vs sexual reproduction
Science Thoughts 3/10 What are “traits”? Different forms of a characteristic that is passed down through genes.
Pop Quiz Notebook check Lab: traits data collection Friday in class Pop Quiz Notebook check Lab: traits data collection