10 Minutes of book love in the library
Complete the “Where do you stand” SHeet Make sure you think over each answer carefully—No in between!
I believe in true love and soul mates. YES nO
I think family love and loyalty is more important than romantic love and loyalty. YES NO
I think the law should be upheld without exception. YES NO
I think that young people are more capable of changing tradition than older people. YES NO
I think that you should always do what is right in your heart, regardless of the consequences. YES NO
I think that if someone hurts a person you love, it is your responsibility to get revenge. YES NO
I think that being a true friend means supporting him/her regardless of the consequences. YES NO
I think that lying to the authorities is justified if it is to protect someone you care about. YES NO
I think that the more advice a person receives, the better decision he/she will make. YES NO
I think that there are some stories that basically everyone knows. YES NO
Our Three Top questions:
True Love-Bound? Consider the traits and factors in your character’s life and then draw a conclusion—is this person likely to find true love? Sheet must be finished by tomorrow
Before you leave, put a tally on the sheet: What kinds of entertainment (tv shows, plays, movies) do you think are most successful? Romantic Comedies or Romantic Dramas?