Historical Developments Why Do Aerospace Vehicles Look the Way They Do? Flight and Space © 2011 Project Lead The Way, Inc.
Historical Developments PLTW Gateway Unit 4 – Lesson 4.1 – History of Flight and Space Engineering Contexts We can look at designs of anything in terms of their context. What made these objects the way they are? Roman Aqueducts Pyramids of Egypt Nintendo DS Everything is designed for a reason – context describes how something is used.
Historical Developments PLTW Gateway Unit 4 – Lesson 4.1 – History of Flight and Space Things to Consider What is going on in history? What is the need? What problems does the need create? What customers will want to buy the product? How much money do they have? What technology is needed to make it happen? What are the resulting products?
Historical Developments PLTW Gateway Unit 4 – Lesson 4.1 – History of Flight and Space Keep Asking “Why?” Why do objects look the way they do? What made them like that? Let’s Look at Aerospace Vehicles
Why Would You Use a Seaplane? Historical Developments PLTW Gateway Unit 4 – Lesson 4.1 – History of Flight and Space Why Would You Use a Seaplane? Land on water Patrol Fishing Submarine hunting What is unique about these aircraft? Why aren’t these components on all aircraft? Wouldn’t it be nice to always have the option to land on water?
Why Would You Use a Helicopter? Historical Developments PLTW Gateway Unit 4 – Lesson 4.1 – History of Flight and Space Why Would You Use a Helicopter? Land and take off vertically Saving lives Delivering supplies Maintaining law and order Maneuvering into small locations What is unique about these aircraft? Why can’t all aircraft do this? Wouldn’t it be nice to always have the option to land vertically?
Why Would You Use a Sailplane? Historical Developments PLTW Gateway Unit 4 – Lesson 4.1 – History of Flight and Space Why Would You Use a Sailplane? No motor Recreation Assault (WWII assault gliders) Returning space shuttles What is unique about these aircraft? Why can’t all aircraft do this?
Why Would You Use an Airship? Historical Developments PLTW Gateway Unit 4 – Lesson 4.1 – History of Flight and Space Why Would You Use an Airship? Lighter-than-air gases are added to a big bag to provide lift Carry large payloads Fly quietly Advertisements What is unique about these aircraft? Why can’t all aircraft do this?
Why Would You Use a Rocket? Historical Developments PLTW Gateway Unit 4 – Lesson 4.1 – History of Flight and Space Why Would You Use a Rocket? High speed and high power transportation both within the Earth’s atmosphere and in space Military Research Launching probes and satellites Space travel What is unique about these aircraft? Why can’t all aircraft do this?
Why Would You Use a Hot Air Balloon? Historical Developments PLTW Gateway Unit 4 – Lesson 4.1 – History of Flight and Space Why Would You Use a Hot Air Balloon? Complete slide with class discussion. Some topics that should be discussed include: Subject to the winds No propulsion system Weather balloons Recreation and adventure
Why Would You Use an Airplane? Historical Developments PLTW Gateway Unit 4 – Lesson 4.1 – History of Flight and Space Why Would You Use an Airplane? Complete slide with class discussion. Some topics that should be discussed include: Transport people, animals, mail and goods long distances faster.
Why Would You Use a Rocket or Space Shuttle? Historical Developments PLTW Gateway Unit 4 – Lesson 4.1 – History of Flight and Space Why Would You Use a Rocket or Space Shuttle? Complete slide with class discussion. Some topics that should be discussed include: Propulsion requires combustion, which needs air (oxidizer). Air is not available at high altitudes and in space. You need to carry it with you.
Why Would You Use an Unmanned Aerospace Vehicle (UAV)? Historical Developments PLTW Gateway Unit 4 – Lesson 4.1 – History of Flight and Space Why Would You Use an Unmanned Aerospace Vehicle (UAV)? Complete slide with class discussion. Some topics that should be discussed include: Payload Carriage into low earth orbit and space. How is this different than manned space flight? What would you need to do differently?
Historical Developments PLTW Gateway Unit 4 – Lesson 4.1 – History of Flight and Space Image Resources Lockheed Martin. (2009). Products. Retrieved June 3, 2009, from http://www.lockheedmartin.com/products/ Microsoft, Inc. (2009). Clip art. Retrieved June 4, 2009, from http://office.microsoft.com/en-us/clipart/default.aspx