खाना खाओ khānā khāo Hindi 1: lesson 4b


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Presentation transcript:

खाना खाओ khānā khāo Hindi 1: lesson 4b http://farm1.static.flickr.com/39/104173983_50ad5ec79b.jpg?v=0

आपके पास क्या है āpke pās kyā hai? Wander round asking. आपके पास क्या है āp ke pās kyā hai? Supposing the other person had a DVD they would then say. मेरे पास डीवीडी है mere pās ḍīvīḍī hai. Make a list of how many things people have, we will ask who found the most! *what have you got

Commands and Politeness Three levels of commands: तू tū : just the stem, for instance: आ ā come तुम tum : stem plus o, for instance: आओ āo come आप āp : the stem plus ie, for instance: आइए āie come

Ten common verbs आना देना करना पूछना कहना बैठना खाना लाना जाना लिखना to come देना denā to give करना karnā to do पूछना pūchnā to ask कहना kehnā to say बैठना baiṭhnā to sit खाना khānā to eat लाना lānā to bring जाना jānā to go लिखना likhnā to write देखना dekhnā to see लेना lenā to take

Four common irregular verbs देना denā to give दीजिए dījie please give लेना lenā to take लीजिए lījie please take पीना pīnā to drink पीजिए pījie please drink करना karnā to do कीजिए kījie please do

Say commands for these actions

फ्लोरा में डोसा खाओ florā mẽ ḍosā khāo Where should we eat what? Write out a list of three things we should eat, and where we should eat them. You will have to guess the spellings of the dishes and the eating houses, good luck! Then we will ask a few people to share what they think we should eat and where. * Eat dosa in Flora

ऐसा मत करो aisā mat karo मत mat or न na before the verb negate a command, nowadays मत mat is common क्लास में खाना मत खाओ। klās mẽ khānā mat khāo Don’t eat in class क्लास में सिगरेट मत पियो। klās mẽ sigareṭ mat piyo Don’t smoke in class. *don’t do that

गॉसिप गर्ल मत देखो* What would you tell us to watch, or not to watch on TV? We will go round the class getting some suggestions on what is hot, and what is not, on TV जैसे – jaise ‘for instance’ एन सी आई एस देखो en sī āī es dekho क्रिकेट मत देखो krikeṭ mat dekho हाऊस (can you work out what this is?) *gossip garl mat dekho

रेजिस्टर साइन करो rejisṭar sāin karo चाय पियो cāy piyo अवकाश avkāś Break रेजिस्टर साइन करो rejisṭar sāin karo चाय पियो cāy piyo फ़ोन पर बात करो fon par bāt karo आराम करो ārām karo relax वग़ैरह vagairah etc. 10 minutes

दिखाओ और बताओ dikhāo aur batāo* We will show some characters and words. We will chose the characters and words. We will ask you to share out loud with the class one character and the word you chose for it. *Show and tell

सुनो और समझो suno aur samjho* We will speak a passage for you to listen to and then to answer questions about. So listen to the passage, twice, and then answer the questions. We will have about 20 minutes to do this activity. * listen and understand