LONDON THE VANGUARD SUMMARY M25 GRAND UNION MAP & INFO LINK Our M25 12 Lanes has been received so well that we’ve added a further digital site on the M25! Our Grand Union digital site is facing four lanes of traffic travelling southbound. The site is unmissable to the many commuters who are travelling past the sight towards Heathrow airport. The M25 is the busiest and most congested road in the UK with constant traffic controls that offer some superb dwell time! LONDON THE VANGUARD SUMMARY IMPACTS* 4,190,178 FORMAT Landscape 96 SIZE 1 x 12m (w) x 3m (h) (36m²) LOOP LENGTH 6 x 10 seconds NETWORK Heathrow ROUTE ID 1235473567 * DfT 2015
LONDON M25 GRAND UNION FAST FACTS AUDIENCE INSIGHTS M F Ab Abc1 15-24 25-34 35-44 45-54 55+ N/a ACORN GROUP PROFILES City Sophisticates N/a Lavish Lifestyles Rising Prosperity FAST FACTS Reaches a catchment area of more than 770sq miles One of the the most important locations for capturing Heathrow bound motorists The only other digital OOH M25 site along side the iconic M25 12 Lanes site Email: | Call: +44 (0)20 3405 5754