Improving Environmental Performance In The Jamaican Coffee Industry Timon Waugh Research & Environmental Department, Coffee Industry Board (Regulatory Division) Kingston, Jamaica February 2006 Email: 1/12/2019 Coffee Industry Board
Introduction Coffee plant – perennial evergreen dicotyledon indigenous to Ethiopia Introduced to Jamaica in 1728 Present production is approximately 600,000 boxes cherry coffee/ 3M kg green beans 1/12/2019 Coffee Industry Board
Introduction (cont’d) Employs over 50,000 persons directly with over 250,000 dependents Second most important agricultural crop Jamaica’s coffee is the world’s best Jamaica produces less than 0.05% of the world total 1/12/2019 Coffee Industry Board
Map of Producing Areas 1/12/2019 Coffee Industry Board
Coffee plant 1/12/2019 Coffee Industry Board
Coffee Impact on The Environment Sector Impact Nursery Chemicals, Packaging Farm Soil erosion, Chemicals, Deforestation, Processing Waste Generation & Disposal 1/12/2019 Coffee Industry Board
Coffee berries 1/12/2019 Coffee Industry Board
Nursery Four Registered Nurseries Disposal of Poly-bags major impact Introduce Biodegradable potting bags 1/12/2019 Coffee Industry Board
Coffee seedlings in a Nursery 1/12/2019 Coffee Industry Board
Farm Chemicals – Pesticides & Fertilizers IPM Approach to Pest Control Promote Organic Fertilizer & Better Application Technique 1/12/2019 Coffee Industry Board
Coffee Farm Utilizing Shade Trees 1/12/2019 Coffee Industry Board
NUTRIENT RECYCLING 1/12/2019 Coffee Industry Board
Fertilizers 80% of Pulp Recycled as Compost Sub-surface Application Soil & Leaf Analysis Leguminous Shade 1/12/2019 Coffee Industry Board
Integrated Pest Management Field Sanitation Physical Control – Traps Biological Control (Cephalonomia stephanoderis) Chemical Control as last resort Over 60% Reduction in Endosulfan 1/12/2019 Coffee Industry Board
Brocap traps – an example of physical control 1/12/2019 Coffee Industry Board
Environmental Codes of Practice 1/12/2019 Coffee Industry Board
DRIVERS Public pressure International Convention/Agreement CIB’S corporate responsibility Non-Tariff Trade Barriers Environmental regulation e.g. NEPA, PCA Greater environmental awareness Environmental Action Programme (ENACT) 1/12/2019 Coffee Industry Board
Best Practices Resources Conservation – ‘Ecoefficiency” Pollution Prevention (Not Clean Up!) Disaster mitigation Planning Environmental reporting 1/12/2019 Coffee Industry Board
ENVIRONMENTAL DO’S & DON’TS DO NOT: Use fire to clear land Remove plant cover from gullies and river banks near your plot Clog up gullies with farm rubbish Plant coffee close to rivers Plant coffee on steep slopes (350 or more) Build roads and trails close to rivers or gully banks 1/12/2019 Coffee Industry Board
ENVIRONMENTAL DO’S & DON’TS DO NOT: build roads and trails during the rainy season Use banned chemicals Use more chemical than recommended dump Dump chemicals and chemical containers in rivers or gullies Wash spray equipment and protective clothing in rivers 1/12/2019 Coffee Industry Board
ENVIRONMENTAL DO’S & DON’TS Leave at least 30 trees on each acre Keep plant cover along roads, gullies and river banks Conserve soil by using contour barriers, check dams Slope farm roads with the contour of the land Maintain farm roads and keep drains clear 1/12/2019 Coffee Industry Board
ENVIRONMENTAL DO’S & DON’TS Use only approved chemicals in amounts recommended Spray early morning or late afternoon when wind is low Puncture empty chemical containers and bury them in holes at least 18 inches deep Always wear protective clothing when spraying and store unused chemicals safely 1/12/2019 Coffee Industry Board