Year 2/3 Curriculum Overview Term: Autumn 2018 Topic: Perfect Pets / Percy the Park Keeper ENGLISH This term we will be learning how to write instructions, create persuasive leaflets and posters and write descriptions of characters and settings. We will also be learning new spelling patterns and how to use punctuation in our work. We will be looking at using neat and tidy handwriting too. MATHS We will be focusing on numbers this term! We are going to learn our number bonds to 10 and 20, begin to learn our 2, 5 and 10 times tables and build our confidence with adding and taking away. Our maths lessons will be as practical as possible this year – we love getting hands-on! HOME LEARNING Reading books! We will attempt to change reading books 2-3 times a week. In between reading these, we would love your children to read the books they have at home to ensure they have a wide variety of genres to enjoy. We will also send home weekly spellings. OTHER CURRICULUM In PSD, we will be learning about our own needs and the needs of our pets and local wildlife. In KUW, we will learn about a dog’s sense of smell and being to take part in investigations, e.g. finding the most absorbent material to make a pet’s bedding. In PE lessons we will be learning simple gymnastics and will create our own ‘Crufts obstacle courses’. ART We will be experimenting with patterns and texture to recreate fur, scales, feathers etc. We will also learn to draw animals step-by-step. TOPIC For the first few weeks, we will be learning about pets through the book ‘The Detective Dog’. We will learn how to look after different pets through practical activities. Later on in the term, we will learn about British wildlife through the ‘Percy the Park Keeper’ books. WELSH We will be going over simple personal information questions and answers, revising giving opinions and learning the names of pets in Welsh.