Safety Vital to the success of any product design Should not be bolted on at the end, it needs to be considered throughout the design process. Not considering safety can result in a very bad outcome Sinclair C5
Safety: Standards Products are designed to meet regulations set by BSI (British Standards Institute) or ISO (International Standards Organisation) They assess risk and likelihood of accident/damage to people/products including risks such as: risk to health and safety of humans risk to the environment risk to the product Potential risks due to delay in product’s operation or complete failure BSI Kitemark ISO logo
Safety: Consumer Demand Often a conflict between satisfying consumer demand for performance and ensuring the product is safe I.e. cars Other design issues also often have to be compromised to ensure a product is safe. A responsible designer will design products which are safe and have market appeal. Can you think of examples of products where it is safety that sells the product?
Safety Features Impossible to design products which are risk free when it can be misused. Legislation is put in place by organisation to determine what is acceptable. Designers can try and anticipate this and therefore design features to prevent this from happening. Think of 5 examples of products you have used that have safety features built into their design.