UL Careers Service Research Postgraduate Induction 1st November 2018
Who We Are Gavin Connell Elaine Kiely Patsy Ryan Brendan Lally Anne O’Connor
Where we are Main Building Block E Level 0 E0019
What We Do
Personal/Professional Development Plan Research Skills & Awareness Communication Skills Personal Effectiveness/ Development Ethics & Social Understanding Team Working & Leadership Career Management Entrepreneurship & Innovation A useful tool that can help you to think about the expertise and skills you will need, regardless of your career objective was developed by the Irish Universities Association and describes the skills that PhDs develop over the course of their research using 6 broad categories or themes. You could use this to create a list of skills you want to develop over the course of your PhD or as a basis for discussion with your supervisor or the careers advisor when putting together your PDP. Link on slide which you can access from Graduate School after Induction. http://www.iua.ie/publication/view/iua-graduate-skills-statement-brochure-2015/
www.vitae.ac.uk Second useful tool called the Researcher Development Framework. This was developed by UK organization CRAC, supported by UK Research Councils and is based on their website - Vitae.ac.uk. This framewwork is more detailed than the IUA statement - it uses four broad domains: Domain A:Knowledge and intellectual abilities Domain B:Personal effectiveness Domain C:Research governance and organisation Domain D:Engagement, influence and impact If you sign up
The wider your horizons the more you need to start planning and thinking about your transferable skills rather than specific technical/subject knowledge at an early stage in your research. But equally if you decide to keep your focus on the narrower end of the horizon, in this case academia/research, the opportunities in this field are increasingly scarce so it requires a focused and targeted approach. In this case you need to start thinking now about how you can develop your publication plans, teaching experience, administrative experiences.
How to Connect www.ul.ie/careers
Thank You Elaine Kiely Postgraduate Careers Advisor Cooperative Education & Careers Division Tel: 061 234350 Email: elaine.kiely@ul.ie