OLDER ADULTS DEVELOPMENTAL TASKS Gerontology is the study of the aging process Young-Old : between the ages of 60-74 Middle-Old : between the ages of 75-84 Old-Old : people older than 85 Gerontology : the study of the aging process DEVELOPMENTAL TASKS Adjusting to decreased physical strength and loss of health Adjusting to retirement and reduced income Coping with the death of a partner Developing new friends and relationships Preparing for one's own death
OLDER ADULTS EMOTIONAL & SOCIAL CHANGES Retirement Reduced income Social relationships Children as caregivers Death of a partner
OLDER ADULTS PHYSICAL CHANGES Integumentary system Musculoskeletal system Nervous system Circulatory system Respiratory system Digestive system Urinary system Reproductive system SEE PG 264, TABLE 17-1
OLDER ADULTS SEXUALITY Sexuality is part of the whole person. This need for love and affection does not diminish with age. They have the right to be sexual and have sexual relationships. Even if they cannot have intercourse does not mean they do not have desires or needs. Sexuality can be shown in many ways.
CARING FOR OLDER ADULTS Remember older adults can think and act for themselves. Do not get caught up in stereotypes, discrimination or ageism. Treat older adults with respect and dignity
OLDER ADULTS For Homework: Come up with a game/activity for older adults to participate in! Be creative! You will have to explain the game/activity to the class.