Is D of E for you?
DofE Silver Award 2018/19 Programme
The DofE is… …the world’s leading achievement award for young people. It encourages young people to live life as an adventure.
It helps in the future As employers, what is the most important activity from school? The Duke of Edinburgh’s Award (‘DofE’) Work experience Community activities World Challenge Young Enterprise Team Sporting activities
The benefits Self-confidence Independence of thought and action A sense of responsibility New talents and abilities New friendships Skills including problem solving, presentation and communication The ability to lead and work as part of a team
Last year one group of year 9s had an absolute blast adventuring in the South Downs. Some of the memories I’d like to share with you.
Open to years 10 and 11
Where will the Adventure take you ?
The sections Volunteering: undertaking service to individuals or the community. Physical: improving in an area of sport, dance or fitness activities. Skills: developing practical and social skills and personal interests. Expedition: planning, training for and completion of an adventurous journey in the UK or abroad
It is hard work Volunteering: 6 months Physical: 6 or 3 months Skills: All participants without Bronze must undertake a further six months in the Volunteering, Physical or Skills section. Participation in the final expedition will depend on evidence of participation in each of the above sections on eDofE
Ideas outside of school Volunteering Working in a charity shop Volunteering as a sports coach Volunteering to help care for animals Physical Any sport Skill Djing Gardening Snooker Chess
Offers of help from in School Volunteering Giving up your time to help run any club here at school Physical Badminton club Dance Club Tennis Football Skill Playing a musical instrument Chess Club Priory Geographic Lego Club
Next Steps
You will create a record of your sections online at eDofE Log-in as soon as you get your record book. Check your school email for “username”, and “password”. Fill in all sections of planner , with details of activities. Make sure that you have an Assessor for each section. After required time period, submit your award, with evidence and Assessors report.
Timeline of Events year 10 and 11 (Practice expedition) - 28/6/19 – 30/6/19 (Qualifying expedition) - 10/7/19 - 13/7/19 EDofE session - 16/10/18 Advanced First Aid – 20/11/18 Advanced map skills – 22/1/19 Route planning and map Skills – 8/2/19
Skill Sessions These will run after school on the aforementioned dates and will last in the region of 2 hours. We will be covering: eDofE (setting up your account) Advanced first aid Taking bearings Pacing and measuring Map reading Route planning
Managing the Expeditions Three levels of risk assessment: Generic (use of stoves, navigation, first aid) Classroom sessions Focus Day Training Medical forms Site specific (road crossings, rivers, army ranges) Route cards Checkpoints Ongoing (serious injuries, weather) Trained leaders Emergency line First Aid training
Costing The final cost of this years D of E will be £100 This covers: D of E Silver registration All campsite fees Transport to and from both practice expedition and qualifying expedition All training and assessment costs Costs can be negotiated for Pupil Premium and FSM pupils
Costing Initial payment of £19 for registration cost - 15/10/18 First instalment - £40 – 4/2/19 Second instalment - £41 – 4/3/19 Should you later decide to withdraw from the programme then the £19 initial registration fee is non refundable. Other withdrawals are discretionary and will depend on the time of withdrawal and specific circumstances
Next Steps Take the 3 forms from any of the leaders around the room. When filling out the enrolment form please make sure you use an email address that you regularly look at. Bring the enrolment form and the medical form back to either Mrs Feltham or Mr Dean along with the £19 registration fee (payable by cash, cheque or bank transfer) We look forward to seeing you on the 16th of October for the first session.
Parental Involvement If you can give up your time to help run the expeditions then we would definitely welcome any help you can offer. Just email to register your interest or to ask any questions.
For more information visit: The DofE website – Contact Mr Dean at –