Nicola Tesla
Maria Goeppert-Mayer
Isaac Newton
Daniel Bernoulli
Michael Faraday
Marie Curie
Stephen Hawking
Albert Einstein
Of course I’m not in the same class as those great physicists, but I have done a few important things in my career. Since I’ve been doing these shows for 20 years now, I thought it was time to tell you about a few of my accomplishments.
One of my interests is in cosmolgy One of my interests is in cosmolgy. That’s the study of the origin and fate of the universe. I’ve collaborated with Stephen Hawking. Maybe you’ve read his book, “A Brief History of Time”?
Back in the 60’s, I consulted with NASA on the space program and actually met some of the astronauts. Neil Armstrong was a pretty close friend, and I helped him understand some of the problems he might have when he took his “one small step for man” onto the surface of the Moon.
A few years before that, I met Albert Einstein and actually helped clarify a few points of the theory of relativity that had always been puzzling to him.
Much earlier, I had the pleasure of explaining to Sir Isaac Newton how he could use a prism of glass to separate white light into all the colors of the rainbow.
And I explained to Galileo that if he would point the telescope he invented toward the planet Jupiter he might find that it too has moons much like the Moon the we have on Earth.
And when I was very young, I discovered that rubbing two sticks together would make a fire, and that it had many practical uses.
You can even use it for cooking.
More recently, I’ve become interested in international relations and have traveled throughout the world giving lectures on that subject to a variety of audiences along with other public figures that you might recognize.
And just last week I was meeting with leaders in the Middle East to try to restore good relations between the nations over there. I really hope we can avoid further hostilities and work together to make the world a better place for us all.