Microcomputers in Business MIS 202 Spring 2014 Microcomputers in Business
Class Overview Instructor: Pat Paulson, Somsen 325 457.5581 Office hours listed on web site E-mail, Lync: ppaulson@winona.edu Grading in D2L: https://winona.ims.mnscu.edu/ Course Web site: http://course1.winona.edu/ppaulson/ Check web sites periodically for updates! PgP MIS 202
Class format Course1 website contains all class info! Face to Face Class in Somsen 301 Online-synchronous View live with Adobe Connect Online-asynchronous View class recordings with Tegrity Physical class attendance required PgP MIS 202
Basic Technology Laptop External Monitor Adobe Connect –web conferencing Tegrity-class recordings Headset PgP MIS 202
Professor’s Background Attorney Mechanical Engineer Operations Manager Business Systems Consultant MIS Professor PgP MIS 202
Course1 WebSite Course policy and syllabus Assignments Hints occasionally Important announcements PgP MIS 202
Course Description-Catalog An introduction to some of the more commonly used software packages for business decision-making. Spreadsheet, business graphics, database and integrated software are introduced. PgP MIS 202
Course Description Students learn the value of laptops, network resources and the Internet for organizations Students are exposed to a sampling of the latest business program applications Students learn the importance of business applications in problem solving PgP MIS 202
Areas of Concentration Software familiarization Appropriate software application Creating business software ‘toolbox’ PgP MIS 202
Software Applications Tegrity, Adobe Connect Expression Web, OneNote, Word, Outlook, Web Camera PowerPoint, MovieMaker Skype, LinkedIn Excel, Access, MapPoint Google Drive, Google Earth VMware, Zip Files, .ISO images PgP MIS 202
Course Objectives Single application problem solving Multiple application familiarity Multi-application problem solving Goal: when confronted with a problem be able to create an efficient, effective solution using applications. PgP MIS 202
Analyze Situation Business objective- solve problems Tools- your mind and computer applications Methodology Define problem Create solution Implement computer application(s) PgP MIS 202
Course Materials No book MeLB-Microsoft Electronic Learning for Business 200+ courses available (subject to change, no charge) Lynda.com Just in Time videos Web resources Software application help files! SEE THE LINK ON THE COURSE WEB SITE. DOWNLOAD IF YOU WANT… MAY ALSO WANT TO MENTION MSDNAA PgP MIS 202
Software Beyond Base Image Available from Control Panel Microsoft Lync MapPoint VMware-Workstation(PC) Available from DreamSpark Premium Expression Web Learn to install software PgP MIS 202
Software Beyond Base Image Available on the Internet, or Web Based Adobe Connect Tegrity Skype Lynda.com Google-Drive, Gmail, Earth, YouTube PgP MIS 202
Files-Class Storage Chapter Examples, other files available by selecting Start>Run then type in: \\store\classes\20145002033\ReadOnly Learn to use VPN PgP MIS 202
Class Info Somsen 301 Have laptop, power supply, patch cord every day Use external monitor Questions? First use D2L Discussions Then contact via email or Microsoft Lync Make sure network, Blackboard, email …. Usernames and passwords are the same! Foreign students…watch out for account change in case of SSN submission PgP MIS 202
Participation Active engagement in problem solving Counts towards grade Assignments, projects and exams will contain material discussed in class, but not in the textbook Attendance: required PgP MIS 362
assignments Exercises and Problems To focus on and hone required skills Learn applications by doing No emailing assignments, no print outs Late work penalized PgP MIS 202
assignments Use JIT to ‘learn’ software Graded, results emailed to student Questions- use D2L Discussions PgP MIS 202
qUIZZes Learn to install required software Must be done by certain date Log into D2L to complete the quiz after software is successfully installed PgP MIS 202
Exams Before midterm and final make sure that you have WSU network access and that you can connect to class storage. Why? Exam files are found here! Midterm off-campus? Remember to check VPN! Final-must be on –campus in Somsen 301 PgP MIS 202
Midterms Test knowledge of software Short answer, possibly essay Hands on problems Open book, open notes, timed Online-D2L No make up exam! PgP MIS 202
Final Same format as mid-terms, but 2 hours Cumulative, test knowledge of business applications Open book, open notes Laptop required In D2L Must be in Somsen 301 PgP MIS 202
Policy on Collaboration You are permitted to work together on Assignments, problems. However… During exams you are on your own, including doing hands-on problems. Therefore… It behooves you to actually do the work! PgP MIS 202
Grading Grading is based on: 5% Participation 5% Quizzes 45% Assignments 20% Midterms (10% each) 25% Final PgP MIS 202
Final Grade Based on 100 total points A 90% or greater B 80 to 89% C 70 to 79% D 60 to 69% F less than 59% PgP MIS 202
Professor Paulson does not give out grades Grading Late assignments are penalized! No extra credit No make-up exams! Point loss for spelling and grammar Professor Paulson does not give out grades Students earn grades! PgP MIS 202
ENJOY This Course? Like learning new software applications and problem solving? Consider MIS major or minor Consider joining MISA Attend MISA events Have questions about advising, scholarships, internships, careers, graduate school… Contact me at your convenience PgP MIS 202