Thanksgiving : The Mayflower. At first, trip and arrival :
At first. The Puritans didn’t like the religion « Church Of England » So, the Puritans had an idea : to leave the country. They left Plymouth (city of England) for the New World : America to establish their new religion in 1606 with 102 people.
The Trip. They boarded the Mayflower (boat). The trip was long and difficult. During the trip, one baby was born, his name was Oceanus. It lasted two months and a lot of crew members died because the first winter was very cold. They remained on the boat while they built their village.
The Arrival. They arrived in Massachusetts and named the place « Plymouth ». 52 out of 102 people survived the first winter. They built a new village in Plymouth. The following years they celebrated their arrival and the harsh winter that they had just passed with a great feast called Thanksgiving.