Perttu Mikkola, Geological Survey of Finland ORAMA Optimizing quality of information in RAw MAterial data collection across Europe 1.12.2017 – 30.11.2019 Perttu Mikkola, Geological Survey of Finland ORAMA has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 776517
EU RMKB & RMIS workshop June 2018 ORAMA EC funding: 1,731,230 € Consortium: 16 partners, 14 countries Advisory Board: 6 stakeholder organisations Technical, scientific and overall coordination: GTK Coordinator: Perttu Mikkola, Scientific coordinator: Pasi Eilu, EU RMKB & RMIS workshop June 2018
EU RMKB & RMIS workshop June 2018 Partners Geological Surveys: Finland UK France Norway Ireland Slovenia Denmark and Greenland Spain Hungary Other institutions: Joint Research Centre EMPA UNU WEEE Forum Technische Universität Berlin Chalmers Tekniska Högskola Universiteit Leiden EU RMKB & RMIS workshop June 2018
EU RMKB & RMIS workshop June 2018 The inability to easily produce reliable statistics about reserves, resources, stocks, and flows of raw materials is a major issue for EC EU RMKB & RMIS workshop June 2018
ORAMA: High-level objectives Develop a clear strategy for improving the quality of collected raw materials (RM) data, and harmonise the data collected in accordance with the INSPIRE Directive Ensure and extend the sharing of RM data, information and best practices in data collection at national and EU levels EU RMKB & RMIS workshop June 2018
EU RMKB & RMIS workshop June 2018 ORAMA in practise ORAMA is neither collecting new data nor coming up with new classifications It is looking for ways to improve quality, comparability and interoperability of data related to primary and secondary raw materials We have promised to keep in mind: INSPIRE and further development of Raw Material Information System (RMIS) EU RMKB & RMIS workshop June 2018
EU RMKB & RMIS workshop June 2018
Inventory of data collection methods Harmonisation + recommendations Case studies Demonstrate benefits of improved datasets Guidelines and Training Materials EU RMKB & RMIS workshop June 2018
EU RMKB & RMIS workshop June 2018 Work so far D2.1 Draft report on the analysis of data collection methods and recommendations for the improvement of SRM statistical datasets To be updated based on own work and feed-back In respect to PRM similar Deliverable due in August D5.2 Mapping of relevant EU funded projects, initiatives and identification of synergies Downloadable from: EU RMKB & RMIS workshop June 2018
EU RMKB & RMIS workshop June 2018 This is the part where ORAMA’s long term effect should especially be felt. ”It should become alive.” EU RMKB & RMIS workshop June 2018
Main improvements sought after Up-to-date information on stocks and flows easily available for MSA and MFA Compilations from data from multiple sources Primary and secondary RM data from same service EU RMKB & RMIS workshop June 2018
How do evaluate the amount of primary resources within EU? ?? The amount of resources available in short term vs. the amount of resources available in long term EU RMKB & RMIS workshop June 2018
Limitations of getting estimates of primary resources into RMIS Data from operating mines relatively “simple” Limited number of operations, confidentiality issues Larger ones report under few different codes Not a major issue, these can be bridged So far unexploited mineralisations are the challenge Quality of data varies, and confidentiality issues exist Some have resource estimates, most haven’t Data can be 50 years old and only on paper Even the main commodity might have changed over time! Change of land use after initial discovery? And truly difficult ones are the undiscovered ones EU RMKB & RMIS workshop June 2018
EU RMKB & RMIS workshop June 2018 Aggregating data Due to quality problems, incomplete data, spatial gaps etc. aggregating data directly from for example Minerals for EU -database leads nowhere Thus reliable EU-level data currently has to be gathered from national level statistics EU RMKB & RMIS workshop June 2018
Clustering & exploiting synergies Out of over 200 EU-projects and initiatives that could be somehow relevant for ORAMA (and RMIS) 19 were estimated as highly relevant How many projects have promised to organize a clustering event or events? Clustering between coordinators/projects or the people actually doing the work? (Probably both) Projects self-organizing or guided clustering, which is more efficient? (Probably both needed) “Project show and tell” day during RMW? EU RMKB & RMIS workshop June 2018
The road to better RM data: Slow & bumby, but drivable EU RMKB & RMIS workshop June 2018