Practice for The Jobs of Nouns
How to approach each sentence: 1. Kill ALL of the prepositional phrases. They don’t like you anyway. :-P 2. Locate the verb. This time I have done that for you. The verb is in RED! 3. Ask: “Who is DOING the verb?” That’s the SUBJECT. 4. Ask: “What is the SUBJECT (verb) –ing?” That’s the DirectObject. 5. Ask: “Is someone RECEIVING the DirectObject as a gift?” That’s the IndirectObject—as long as the WORD ORDER is correct: SUB + VB + IndOb + DirOb
How to do this practice: Make yourself 10 mini-charts that have these headings: SUB IndOb DirOb PrepPhr
1. The creepy clown gave prizes to the children. SUBJECT INDIRECT OBJECT DIRECT OBJECT PREP PHRASES
1. The creepy clown gave prizes to the children. SUBJECT INDIRECT OBJECT DIRECT OBJECT PREP PHRASES clown X prizes to the children
2. My sister and he gave them another present. SUBJECT INDIRECT OBJECT DIRECT OBJECT PREP PHRASES
2. My sister and he gave them another present. SUBJECT INDIRECT OBJECT DIRECT OBJECT PREP PHRASES sister he them present X
3. When will the director post the list of characters? Reorganize as a statement! SUBJECT INDIRECT OBJECT DIRECT OBJECT PREP PHRASES
3. When will the director post the list of characters 3. When will the director post the list of characters? The director will post the list of characters when. (“when” is an adverb—ignore it) SUBJECT INDIRECT OBJECT DIRECT OBJECT PREP PHRASES director X list of characters
4. John delivered his speeches to small crowds. SUBJECT INDIRECT OBJECT DIRECT OBJECT PREP PHRASES
4. John delivered his speeches to small crowds. SUBJECT INDIRECT OBJECT DIRECT OBJECT PREP PHRASES John X speeches to small crowds
5. His psychiatrist wrote him a prescription for new medication. SUBJECT INDIRECT OBJECT DIRECT OBJECT PREP PHRASES
5. His psychiatrist wrote him a prescription for new medication. SUBJECT INDIRECT OBJECT DIRECT OBJECT PREP PHRASES psychiatrist him prescription for new medication
6. This Chicago highway always offers an interesting view of the city’s skyline. SUBJECT INDIRECT OBJECT DIRECT OBJECT PREP PHRASES
6. This Chicago highway always offers an interesting view of the city’s skyline. SUBJECT INDIRECT OBJECT DIRECT OBJECT PREP PHRASES highway X view of the city’s skyline
7. Give Serena the list of library books. SUBJECT INDIRECT OBJECT PREP PHRASES
7. Give Serena the list of library books. SUBJECT INDIRECT OBJECT PREP PHRASES (YOU) Serena list of library books
8. Some of these grapes were bought at this store. SUBJECT INDIRECT OBJECT DIRECT OBJECT PREP PHRASES
8. Some of these grapes were bought at this store. SUBJECT INDIRECT OBJECT DIRECT OBJECT PREP PHRASES Some X of these grapes; at this store
9. Mike lent Sam $20 for the tickets. SUBJECT INDIRECT OBJECT DIRECT OBJECT PREP PHRASES Mike Sam $20 for the tickets
10. Have these activities inspired Brett? Reorganize as a statement! SUBJECT INDIRECT OBJECT DIRECT OBJECT PREP PHRASES
10. Have these activities inspired Brett? These activities have inspired Brett. SUBJECT INDIRECT OBJECT DIRECT OBJECT PREP PHRASES activities X Brett