Preterite vs. Imperfect Impers. Construct. With “se” PICK A CATEGORY Vocab More Vocab. Ordinal numbers The Imperfect Preterite vs. Imperfect Irreg. Imperfect verbs Impers. Construct. With “se” 100 200 300 400 500
First Category for 100 ¿Cómo se dice, “bargain” en español?
Answer First Category for 100 La ganga Pick a Category
¿Cómo se dice, “sales clerk” en español? First Category for 200 ¿Cómo se dice, “sales clerk” en español?
Answer First Category for 200 el/la despendiente/a Pick a Category
First Category for 300 ¿Cómo se dice, “wool” en español?
Answer First Category for 300 De lana Pick a Category
First Category for 400 ¿Cómo se dice, “open-air market” en español?
Answer for 400 El mercado al aire libre Pick a Category
First Category for 500 ¿Cómo se dice, “How can I help you?” en español?
Answer for 500 ¿En qué puedo servirle(s)? Pick a Category
Second Category for 100 ¿Cómo se dice, “necklace” en español? ./
Answer Second Category for 100 El collar Pick a Category
Second Category for 200 ¿Cómo se dice, “flower shop” en español?
Answer to Second Category for 200 La florería Pick a Category
Second Category for 300 ¿Cómo se dice, “to return (something)” en español?
Answer to Second Category for 300 Devolver (ue) Pick a Category
Second Category for 400 ¿Cómo se dice, “toothpaste” en español?
Answer to Second Category for 400 la pasta de dientes. Pick a Category
Second Category for 500 ¿Cómo se dice, “bracelet” en español?
Answer to Second Category for 500 La pulsera Pick a Category
Third Category for 100 How do you say, “The second chair” in Spanish?
Answer to Third Category for 100 La segunda silla. Pick a Category
Third Category for 200 How do you say, “the third floor”in Spanish? Hint: “piso” is floor
Answer to Third Category for 200 El tercer piso Pick a Category
Third Category for 300 How do you say, “the tenth” in Spanish?
Answer to Third Category for 300 El décimo Pick a Category
Third Category for 400 How do you say “the twelfth floor” in Spanish?
Answer to Third Category for 400 El piso doce. Pick a Category
Third Category for 500 How do you say, “the last (one)” in Spanish?
Answer to Third Category for 500 El último/la última. Pick a Category
Fourth Category for 100 How do you say, “I used to talk/speak” in Spanish?
Answer to Fourth Category for 100 (yo) hablaba Pick a Category
Fourth Category for 200 How do you say, “He was 10 years old” in Spanish?
Answer to Fourth Category for 200 Tenía diez años. Pick a Category
Fourth Category for 300 How do you say, “we used to eat at that restaurant every Saturday” in Spanish?
Answer to Fourth Category for 300 Comíamos en esta restaurante todos los sábados. Pick a Category
Fourth Category for 400 How do you say, “Alicia was happy during the concert” in Spanish?
Answer to Fourth Category for 400 Alicia estaba contenta durante el concierto. Pick a Category
Fourth Category for 500 How do you say, “the weather was bad” in Spanish?
Answer to Fourth Category for 500 Hacía mal tiempo. Pick a Category
Fifth Category for 100? Which do you use to describe emotions in the past, preterite or imperfect?
Answer to Fifth Category for 100 The imperfect Pick a Category
Fifth Category for 200 How would you say, “It was 3:00” in Spanish?
Answer to Fifth Category for 200 Eran las tres. Pick a Category
Fifth Category for 300 Which tense (preterite or imperfect) do the following words imply? Anoche, anteayer, ayer, esta mañana, una vez.
Answer to Fifth Category for 300 preterite Pick a Category
Fifth Category for 400 How would you say, “It was nighttime when they returned home” in Spanish?
Answer to Fifth Category for 400 Era de noche cuando (ellos) volvieron a casa. Pick a Category
Fifth Category for 500 What is the difference between “así fue” and “así era”?
Answer to Fifth Category for 500 “así fue” means that’s how it happened; it is how one relays the facts of a situation. “así era” means that’s how it used to be; it is referring to how things were in the past. Pick a Category
Sixth Category for 100 What is the imperfect of the verb “ser” in the “yo” form?
Answer to Sixth Category for 100 era Pick a Category
Sixth Category for 200 What is the “nosotros” form of the verb “ver” in the imperfect tense?
Answer to Sixth Category for 200 veíamos Pick a Category
Sixth Category for 300 What is the imperfect form of “ir” in the “ella” form?
Answer to Sixth Category for 300 iba. Pick a Category
Sixth Category for 400 What is the imperfect form of the verb “ser” in the “Ustedes” form?
Answer to Sixth Category for 400 eran. Pick a Category
Sixth Category for 500 What is the “tú” form of the verb “ver” in the imperfect tense.
Answer to Sixth Category for 500 “veías”. Pick a Category
Seventh Category for 100 Where are impersonal constructions with “se” often used in Spanish?
Answer to Seventh Category for 100 On signs, in instructions and rules in order to attribute actions to no one in particular. Pick a Category
Seventh Category for 200 Which form of the verb is used with “se” to make an impersonal construction?
Answer to Seventh Category for 200 Third person Pick a Category
Seventh Category for 300 How would you say, “Smoking is prohibited” in Spanish?
Answer to Seventh Category for 300 Se prohibe fumar. Pick a Category
Seventh Category for 400 How would you say, “A ring was found” in Spanish?
Answer to Seventh Category for 400 Se encontró un anillo. Pick a Category
Seventh Category for 500 How would you say, “second-hand articles used to be sold in this store” in Spanish?
Answer to Seventh Category for 500 Se vendían artículos de segundo mano en esta tienda. Pick a Category
How much would you like to wager? Second Category for 400 Daily Double! How much would you like to wager? Second Category for 400
How much would you like to wager? Third Category for 500 Daily Double! How much would you like to wager? Third Category for 500