IASOA(S) *Global Cryosphere Watch


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Presentation transcript:

International Arctic Systems for Observing the Atmosphere (and Surface) IASOA(S) www.IASOA.org *Global Cryosphere Watch Chapter 3.4 in IPY Observing Systems, Their Legacy and Data Management *Russian Drifting Station

IASOA Status Updates Fully formed steering committee with 14 members, including 2 APECS representatives. Met in Montreal during IPY to develop formal Mission Statement. 9 months of funding from U.S. NSF to support development of IASOA data sharing goals that support the Mission Statement: Focus on developing standardized (ISO 19115) metadata for all relevant IASOA observations Creating enhanced data portal to support searches, discovery and use.

Mission Statement The mission of IASOA is to advance coordinated research objectives from independent pan-Arctic atmospheric observatories through (1) strategically developing comprehensive observational capacity, (2) facilitating data access and usability through a single gateway, and (3) mobilizing contributions to synergistic science and socially-relevant services derived from IASOA assets and expertise.

IASOA Input: Coordination across networks and platforms for research and monitoring 1) SAON should develop a treaty level proposal to the Arctic Council to allow and support exchange/transfer of funds, data, equipment and samples between the Arctic environmental agencies (e.g. NOAA, EC, Roshydromet, FMI etc.) so that there CAN be coordination. SAON should advocate within these national funding agencies to make such an agreement a priority. Atmospheric data is less sensitive (as compared with oceanographic), so could be a good starting point. It could also be specific to long term monitoring and not grant based research. 2) Advocate for the “breadth” of research required; balance national activities that currently favor industry-based research (e.g. in support of mining & gas develop.)

IASOA Input: Access to data Advocate within relevant national agencies to support data sharing initiatives. Recommend SOAN-wide adoption of relevant metadata standard (e.g. ISO 19115) to support discovery and use of data. Support of services for overcoming language barriers between institutions (e.g. access to translators) SAON-wide initiative to promote bi- or multi-lateral agreements for access to data (see Coordination recommendations).