Migration Asylum Orietation in Venice Gianfranco Bonesso
Immigration in Veneto and in Venice Veneto Region (Dec.2016) 4.907.529 Residents (Dec.2016) 485.477 (9,9%) Venice Municipality Residents 261.905 (Dec.2016) Non nationals Residents 34.472 (13,16%)
Immigration in Veneto and in Venice Veneto Region Main groups of migrants Romania, 119.219 (25%of total amount of migrants) Marocco (53.835, 11%), Albania (35.313, 7,2%) Cina (40.389, 8,3%) City of Venice Main groups of migrants Banglasdesh (5.382, 15,6% of total amount of immigrants) Romania (5.179, 15,2 %) Moldova (4.604, 13,3%) Cina (3.033, 8,8%)
City of Venice Immigration Service Service’s development First phase (1992 – 1995): Response Number of gipsy families from former Yugoslavia: two camps were set up to handle incoming immigrants Increase of foreign workers Second phase (1996 – 2010): Projects Creation of two interdisciplinary frameworks to handle immigration and refugees matters Third phase (after 2010): Arrangement Melting of two frameworks in one Service to handle search for funding, economic crisis, integration of migrants
City of Venice Immigration Service Municipality of Venice Service Immigration and Promotion of the Rights of Citizenship and Asylum Key word Citizenship Holistic approach Empowerment Community network Advocacy Communication/mediation Participation Intercultural exchange Equal opportunity Collective and individual welfare
City of Venice Immigration Service Services: legal advice (offered both on front-desk and by a telephone line) linguistic/cultural mediation offered to schools and to social and health services professional and specialist social services specific aid for newly-arrived families training for operators, voluntary workers and citizens support for social problems italian language classes and initiatives to promote intercultural relations refugees projects, welcome, care assistence support to immigrant associations teenagers counselling for school documentation advice on immigration and migrating cultures to operators of public services and other services
City of Venice Immigration Service Users in 2016 = 2.488 Refugees= 311 Users = Adult 72%, Minors 28% Italian language courses = 37 (601 users) 5.900 hours of mediation
City of Venice Immigration Service Service Users Foreign citizens (individuals and families) - focus on recent arrivals – Asylum Seekers, Refugees (and other kind of protections) Italian citizens with immigration requests Institutions and services providers Associations, volunteers and private/social services International and non governmental organizations
City of Venice Immigration Service Community development Live, share, partecipate
City of Venice Immigration Service Community development Intercultural and interreligious dialogue
City of Venice Immigration Service Asylum in the city –Some Data Stimated: 600 refugees, 300 asylum seekers (2400 asylum seekers in all the province) 30 shelters for asylum seekers Time for getting status (stimated 12 months) Time spent in the shelter (stimated 14-24 months) Orientation and training during the period of reception (orientation about public and private services, training for languages and life skills, orientation of getting job and housing)
Partecipanti al corso per mediatori linguistico-culturali e un mediatore durante un intervento in classe Adolescenti stranieri durante i corsi socio-educativi di Lingua Italiana
City of Venice Immigration Service Orientation For newly arrived people for using services (information desks) for enrolement in shool (support of educators and mediators) for information about legal process per permit of residence ( information desk) for choosing high school for teenager (interviews with educator and mediator, support for the choise) orientation/information inside the training for italian language (different approaches)-teachers and tutors about studying and training career and recognition of diplomas and educational qualification (specialized social work or educators) - for volontary assisted return For asylum seekers(forced migrations) - about public services and about life skills - about legal status and processes to get status -about rights and duties -about Italian sistem of welfare, education, employment, health system, cultural opportunities -about studying and training career and recognition of diplomas and educational qualification(specialized social work or educators)
City of Venice Immigration Service Orientation Problems for orientation -what you consider «orientation» (information?) -high specialization and low compentence by orientation makers -the contest of orientation: shelter, reception center, normal social contest -different tools of orientation (according to language competence) -motivation of the users -budget to finance actions of orientation (projects with short time to implement actions) -the frequent changing that make «elements of orientation» to update -tools of orientation and training to connected with language skills -the lack of a national/regional program of orientation/training for refugees
Migration Asylum Orientation in Venice Gianfranco Bonesso Gianfranco.bonesso@comune.venezia.it