LONDN BLACKWALL TUNNEL SUMMARY MAP & INFO LINK This dominant site sees exceptionally high volumes of ABC1 travelers, shoppers and entertainment seekers. It’s just 1.2 miles from the financial hub of Canary Wharf and 1.5 miles from the Excel Exhibition Centre and O2 which hosts cinemas, Brooklyn Bowl and 37 bars and restaurants. The London Blackwall Tunnel site is an unmissable landmark on the journeys of the Canary Wharf, City Airport and the O2 Arena audience LONDN BLACKWALL TUNNEL SUMMARY IMPACTS* 934,440 FORMAT Mega 6 Portrait SIZE 1 x 7.5 (h) x 5m (w) (37.5m²) LOOP LENGTH 6 x 10 seconds NETWORK N/A ROUTE ID 1235473548 *Per fortnight, Route 2015 Email: info@8outdoor.com | Call: +44 (0)20 3405 5754 Email: info@8outdoor.com | Call: +44 (0)20 3405 5754 Email: info@8outdoor.com | Call: +44 (0)20 3405 5754
BLACKWALL TUNNEL FAST FACTS AUDIENCE INSIGHTS M F Ab Abc1 15-24 25-34 35-44 45-54 55+ 61% 39% 23% 47% 16% 19% 26% ACORN GROUP PROFILES City Sophisticates Index 160 vs UK Average Career Climbers Index 138 vs UK Average FAST FACTS The site is just 1.5 miles away from O2 Arena 1.2 miles from the affluent financial district There are more than 100,000 people employed in Canary Wharf with an estaiated average salary of £100k+ Canary Wharf is 14 million square foot of premium office space and is the largest in Europe Email: info@8outdoor.com | Call: +44 (0)20 3405 5754