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First Category for 100 What does abuelo mean in English?
Answer First Category for 100 grandfather Pick a Category
First Category for 200 How do you say step-father in Spanish?
Answer First Category for 200 padrastro. Pick a Category
First Category for 300 How do you say siblings in Spanish?
Answer First Category for 300 Los hermanos. Pick a Category
First Category for 400 What does ¿Cuántos años tienes? mean in English?
Answer for 400 How old are you? Pick a Category
First Category for 500 How do you say What is the date? in Spanish?
Answer for 500 ¿Cuál es la fecha? Pick a Category
Second Category for 100 How do you say, a thousand in Spanish?
Answer Second Category for 100 mil Pick a Category
Second Category for 200 How do you say, January in Spanish?
Answer to Second Category for 200 enero Pick a Category
Second Category for 300 How do you say, our in Spanish?
Answer to Second Category for 300 nuestro Pick a Category
Second Category for 400 How do you say, Happy Birthday in Spanish?
Answer to Second Category for 400 Feliz Cumpleaños Pick a Category
Second Category for 500 How do you say, I am as artistic as my brother-in-law in Spanish?
Answer to Second Category for 500 Soy tan artística como mi cuñado. Pick a Category
Third Category for 100 How do you say, My book in Spanish?
Answer to Third Category for 100 Mi libro. Pick a Category
Third Category for 200 How do you say their chair in Spanish?
Answer to Third Category for 200 Su silla Pick a Category
Third Category for 300 How do you say, Our school in Spanish?
Answer to Third Category for 300 Nuestra escuela. Pick a Category
Third Category for 400 How do you say, My children in Spanish?
Answer to Third Category for 400 Mis hijos. Pick a Category
Third Category for 500 How do you say, Our birthdays in Spanish?
Answer to Third Category for 500 Nuestros cumpleaños. Pick a Category
Fourth Category for 100 How do you say, less than in Spanish?
Answer to Fourth Category for 100 Menos que. Pick a Category
Fourth Category for 200 How do you say, more than in Spanish?
Answer to Fourth Category for 200 Más que. Pick a Category
Fourth Category for 300 How do you say, Marta is taller than Juan in Spanish?
Answer to Fourth Category for 300 Marta es más alta que Juan. Pick a Category
Fourth Category for 400 How do you say, Susana is as pretty as her mother?
Answer to Fourth Category for 400 Susana es tan bonita como su madre. Pick a Category
Fourth Category for 500 How do you say, My grandparents are older than my parents in Spanish?
Answer to Fourth Category for 500 Mis abuelos son mayores que mis padres. Pick a Categoryick a Category
Fifth Category for 100? How do you say, February 15 in Spanish?
Answer to Fifth Category for 100 El quince de febrero. Pick a Category
Fifth Category for 200 How do you say May 25 in Spanish?
Answer to Fifth Category for 200 El veinticinco de mayo. Pick a Category
Fifth Category for 300 How do you say, April 5 in Spanish?
Answer to Fifth Category for 300 El cinco de abril. Pick a Category
Fifth Category for 400 How do you say, September 13 in Spanish?
Answer to Fifth Category for 400 El trece de septiembre. Pick a Category
Fifth Category for 500 What does November 1 mean in Spanish?
Answer to Fifth Category for 500 El primero de noviembre. Pick a Category
Sixth Category for 100 What is a quinceañera?
Answer to Sixth Category for 100 It is a coming of age party for a 15 year old girl in Latin America. It is also the name given to the guest of honor at the party. Pick a Category
Sixth Category for 200 How many damas de honor are at a typical quinceañera in Perú?
Answer to Sixth Category for 200 Catorce o quince. Pick a Category
Sixth Category for 300 What is a typical meal for a quinceañera in Puerto Rico?
Answer to Sixth Category for 300 Arroz con pollo. Pick a Category
Sixth Category for 400 How do you say, toast in Spanish?
Answer to Sixth Category for 400 brindis. Pick a Category
Sixth Category for 500 What is the girl wearing in Fernando Sayán Polos portrait, Niña campesina sonriente?
Answer to Sixth Category for 500 Traditional Andrean dress. Pick a Category
Seventh Category for 100 What is a la sobremesa?
Answer to Seventh Category for 100 The tradition of staying at the table after the meal is over and telling stories and socializing.
Seventh Category for 200 Who did Rafael Trufiño paint in his portrait Goyita?
Answer to Seventh Category for 200 His mother. Pick a Category
Seventh Category for 300 How many political parties does Puerto Rico have?
Answer to Seventh Category for 300 Three. Pick a Category
Seventh Category for 400 What is Puerto Ricos relationship to the United States?
Answer to Seventh Category for 400 It is a Commonwealth of the United States. Pick a Category
Seventh Category for 500 Which Puerto Ricans can vote in U.S. presidential elections?
Answer to Seventh Category for 500 Those living on the mainland. Pick a Category
Daily Double! How much would you like to wager? Second Category for 400
Daily Double! How much would you like to wager? Third Category for 500