Welcome to Curriculum Night Thursday, September 27 3RD Grade Southwest Elementary School
3rd Grade Schedule & Routines 7:20 – Morning Routine (Unpack, turn in homework, write down homework, morning work, unfinished work, read quietly) Planners – a way to teach the kids how to be organized – filled out daily. Reading Log – 30 Mins per night = 2 steps – Parents sign nightly. 7:50 – ELA (mini lesson, independent reading, writing, wide reading) 9:50 – Math 11:15 – Lunch 11:45 Bathroom Break & Read Aloud 12:00 - Specials 12:50 Pack Up 1:00 – Intervention / Enrichment (I/E) Small group sessions (EC students, ESL students & AG students get pulled out during this time) 1:50 – Recess 2:20 - Dismissal
Reading Topics of Study Story Elements Non-Fiction Biographies Figurative Language (Poetry, Fables, Folktales, Myths, Legends, etc.) Muscular/Skeletal System Landforms Plants
R Read title and the questions U Underline the key words READING STRATEGY R Read title and the questions U Underline the key words N Now read the passage and find the evidence http://www.gc804181051499843298snc.com/pages/gcsnc/Departments/Curriculum_and_Instruction/ Parent_Friendly_Pacing_Guides/804181051499843298
Math Topics of Study QuarTer 1 Problem solving with multiplication/division Addition/Subtraction within 1,000 Problem solving using multiple strategies Quarter 2 Multiplication/Area Quarter 3 Fractions Quarter 4 Geometry
Read Draw Write MATH STRATEGY Use of Strategies for problem solving http://www.gcsnc.com/pages/gcsnc/Departments/Curriculum_and_Inst ruction/Parent_Friendly_Pacing_Guides/804181051499843298
Formal Assessments BOG (Beginning of Grade) - Baseline for reading growth Reading 3D – Dibels and TRC (Literacy) IRLA (Literacy) CogAT (Cognitive Abilities Assessment) Assessment designed to measure reasoning abilities. October 2nd – 4th Weekly Math and Reading Common Assessments Interim (Benchmark) Assessments Winter & Spring Assessments (2) EOG: (End of Grade Test) Comprehensive Reading and Math June
3rd Grade Grading Policy Letter grades given on the quarterly report cards and interim reports will be made up of tests, graded class work, quizzes, homework, and special projects. Third grade will use the following grading scale for averaging grades: A=100-90 B=89-80 C=79-70 D=69-60 F=59 and below Homework: Homework grades will be based on completion/participation rather than accuracy. Homework will be completed through a variety of methods. Weekly/monthly projects Comprehension Passages (as needed) Education Galaxy (Internet) EOG Review Reading 2 reading steps (30 minutes a day) is required Monday through Friday. Saturday and Sunday students should complete 1 reading step per day. Homework will be written in the student’s planner daily. **Absence** Students are allowed 3 days for each 1 day absent to complete and return missed homework. Extra Credit: No extra credit is given on an individual basis. Grading Weights: The third grade teachers will place the following weights on each subject (Math, Reading, Social Studies, and Science) on the report card: Homework 10% Classwork 40% Tests 30% Quizzes 20% Conferences: First and third quarter conferences
Field trips and k-12 payment information Greensboro Historical Museum (winter) Durham Museum of Life and Science (spring) Greensboro Symphony (spring) https://www.k12paymentcenter.com/ Payments for fees and lunch accounts
PBIS Expectations Be Responsible Exercise Self Control Show Respect Treat others Kindly School-wide Cowboy Hats Two weekly winners from each grade level and quarterly incentives.
To All Families Confidentiality & concerns Building independence & responsibility Thank you for your support!