Forage Management for Goat Production Bob Waldorf UGA Extension Ag Agent Banks County
GEORGIA MASTER GOAT FARMER MONDAYS 6:00-8:30 PM - - - March 16- April 20, 2015 OGLETHORPE COUNTY AG CENTER - 55 OGLETHORPE DR. CRAWFORD, GA 30630 March 16 - Goat Selection - Will Cabe & Health and Diseases – Dr. Mike Dzimianski March 23 - Classroom FAMACHA - Dr. Bob Storey March 30 - Foot Trimming Demonstration - Ben Ruzowicz - FAMACHA-hands on and Deworming - Dr. Bob Storey April 6 - Predator Control – Dr. Jay Daniel & Meats and Cuts - Dr. Alex Stelzleni April 13 - Pasture Management - Dr. Dennis Hancock - Nutrition/Body Condition Scoring-Mr. Steve Morgan April 20 - Marketing - Dr. Kent Wolfe & Small Business Plan - Mark Whipkey
Soil Sampling Preparation Select soil digging tool Soil test probe Shovel Hand trowel 1-3 gallon bucket Zip-lock sandwich bag
Soil Sampling Procedure How many soil samples to take? Different soil type per field tested How many subsamples for each sample? Depends on field size Range from 8 to 20 Where to pull subsamples? Zig-zag pattern through field
How to Obtain a Soil Sample (Zig-zag pattern over entire area to obtain a representative sample)
What to do with all that dirt? Collect all subsamples in bucket Mix well Place amount of 1 pint into zip-lock bag Bring in to Extension office Provide contact & crop info pay $8 fee Results will be mailed/emailed
Pasture Fertilization Liming for Proper pH Ideal is 6.3-6.8 Overseeded Perennial Pasture Fall – 40-50 # N/A Late Winter – 60-70# N/A if needed Legumes in Pasture 30# N/A
Planting Methods Conventional Tillage/Cultipacker Conservation Tillage/No Till Drill Mow/Graze Grass Residue Broadcast Seeding Soil to Seed Contact
Approximate Diet Selection of Grazing Animals When Given Choice
GRAZING HABITS OF MEAT GOATS Prefer foraging above shoulders & head Selective towards a high quality diet Prefer browse over grass Graze steep slopes with browse Prefer 30-50% brush, 10-30% weeds & legumes, 20-30% grass Top down grazers Cattle prefer flatter land with gentle slopes grazing grasses Browse is usually on steeper slopes more than grass
Goat Grazing Preference Trial University of Kentucky - 2006 (Most to Least) Sorghum x Sudan - Orchardgrass White clover - Tall fescue Turnip - Bermudagrass Red clover Chicory Sericea lespedeza Alfalfa
Goats are also known to like: Browse/weed species: Chinese Privet Pigweeds Thistles Nettles Blackberry/Dewberry Plantain Curly Dock Multiflora Rose Sweetgum Will eat the seedheads and leaves at top of plants first Will prevent reseeding of weeds Slide from NC State
Prussic acid will kill horses but not high nitrates Late plantings suffer from possible drought & scorching temps. Slide by Dr. Dennis Hancock-UGA Extension
Cool Season Forages Annuals: Legumes: Perennials: Annual Ryegrass – High in quality & quantity Cereal Grains – rye, oats, barley, wheat Legumes: White Ladino Clover - Perennial Red Clover - Perennial Crimson Clover – Annual Perennials: Chicory
Slide by Dr. Dennis Hancock- UGA Extension
Chicory Chicory Fair summer production Responds to high fertility Establishment needs? Varieties: Puna 2/Oasis, Forage Feast, Puna Can be fall or spring established – Sept.-Oct. Broadleaf weed control can be a problem at establishment Needs 7 leaves before grazing
Don’t limit your thoughts to Almonocultures! Alfalfa and Chicory Don’t limit your thoughts to Almonocultures! Chicory is high in ??? Mixed with alfalfa which is high in protein makes an excellent forage Amerigraze alfalfa and Oasis chicory Irrigated Dairy South GA 7/25/07
Sunn Hemp – Crotolaria juncea Summer Legume
Serecia Lespedeza Alfalfa Drought resistant perennial Moderate quality forage Contains condensed tannins Seeded in spring – March–April 20 lbs of inoculated, hulled, seed per acre Graze at 8-15 inches growth AU Grazer best for pasture
Slide by Dr. Dennis Hancock-UGA Extension
Rotational Grazing for Goats Allows you to: Prevent overgrazing Rotate out of heavy parasite pressure Graze multiple forage species Optimize selection of highest quality forage Integrate woodlands and grass-legume pastures Integrate warm and cool season forage species
Slide by USDA – NRCS
Rotational Graze Cafeteria style: Predominantly bermuda-fescue mix pasture lots Use portion of lots for high quality legume Use portion for high quality forage & worm control
Arrowleaf or Crimson Clover Sericea Lespedeza F e n c e water Fence Red or White Clover Arrowleaf or Crimson Clover
Any Questions