INTRODUCTION Separating a family taxon, genus taxon in addition to their use in identifying species taxon The nature of adipose eyelids- Carangidae Develop in posterior half of eye-Alepes, Selaroides Completely covering eye except vertical slit- Atule-Selar Well developed – Caranx tille Its development Extension of maxillae, Thryssa setirostris very long Thryssa mystax small reach pectoral fin Short in Stolephorus Position of nostrils
Nature of operculum whether serrated or not, -Serranidae, with spine Scorpaenidae, Platycephalidae Presence of pores around the mouth region – Sciaenidae Barbels, its numbers,-Catfishes, Cyprinidae, Loach, Mullidae Type of mouth- The arching of lateral line- no-continuous- dorsal side alone- ventral side alone-curvature- Not full – till the end of caudal fin
Naked area of breast region- Carangoides Scales in pre operculum -Nemipteridae, operculum- Lutjanidae Head- Gerres , Myripristis Groove in the belly-Atropus Body shape-flat –eel like-spindle shaped-torpedo shaped Head lizard like-lizard fish Lower jaw elongated-half beak- Hemirampus Two jaw elongated-Strongylura - needle fish Upper jaw elongated- Makaaira, Istiophorus Mouth tube like-Syngnathidae, Aulostomidae (trumpet fishes)-Fistularia
Colour pattern in most of the fishes changes after death Bands on the body, the spots and pigmentation have to be studied only in fresh specimens.
Sometimes a morphological character attributed by a taxonomist as valid one for a species at a given length, may prove to be invalid at larger length groups or at smaller length groups Mouth parrot like –Scaridae Sucking disc on head-Remora Pigments, Bands on the lateral side, etc., - studied different length groups.
SCUTES Ventral scutes separate Stolephorus, Thryssa and Thryssina. If scutes between pectoral and pelvic fins Stolephorus. not present before the pectoral, Thryssina Present before and behind pelvic fin, such species are placed under the genus, Thryssa and Setipinna. Thryssa have the first pectoral fin ray normal,, Setipinna, the first ray is filamentous. Pointed tip-conger eel- Uroconger, Trichiurus Forked- Dolphin fish Truncate- Aethaloperca
Single large fin-Coryphaenidae-dolphin fish, Istiophoridae –Sailfish Gill membranous unit at isthumus-Pampus Pelvic fin absent Parastromateus , eels, Sygnathidae Large dorsal and anal- Platax Pectoral enlarged- Exocetus A filametous extension in C middle -Fistularia
SNOUT ARRANGEMENTS A. Snout tip pointed B. Snout tip rounded C. Snout tip tubular D. Snout overhanging the mouth E. Lower jaw projecting beyond upper jaw F. Jaws and lips terminal G. Upper jaw prolonged into a sword like bear H. Upper jaw overhanging the lower jaw Ia. Vomerine teeth Ib. Branchiostegal rays