SFB – ARRA Energy Grants
Goals Save energy Leverage federal funds Develop a sustainable program
Budget Energy Efficiency $12.9 MM Solar $5.5 MM Administration $1.6 MM Total $20 MM
Efficiency Program Funding SFB will pay a state share. There will be a district cap. Local share may be funded through any available funds including performance contracting. State performance contract in place. SFB will provide assistance in the performance contracting process.
Criteria Energy Savings (in terms of BTU/SF) Energy Savings (in terms of $/SF) Cost Effectiveness (savings per dollar spent) Utility budget impact (percent reduction)
Efficiency Program Unknowns HB 2332 – May require an election Impact of Davis Bacon/Buy America SFB share
Solar Program Focus on smaller school districts SFB will pay full cost Limit to 30 kilowatt system
Timeline Application period: August – October SFB review: November – December Awards: First week of January
Check SFB Website for Additional Information WWW.AZSFB.GOV