About the One Oxfam Output Reporting Financing Development Our Reach and Scale 2016/17 We worked directly with 19.2 Million people in our programs worldwide; 55% are women and girls, 45% are men and boys* People we work with are all project participants that are engaged in project activities and have direct access (benefit) to the products / services of the project. Activists are engaged individuals that take concrete actions to support an issue directly related to a particular campaign on behalf of others and do not benefit themselves from their action. The Activists category is new for this year, so we are cautious of the quality of the data and will endeavor to improve it next year. About the One Oxfam Output Reporting Western Europe 50k 56% 293 We mobilized 2.1 million people to take action on behalf of others Asia Other MENA 2.9m 54% 924 4.5m 58% 380 750k 58% 682 HECA Pacific WAF LaC 5.4m 54% 197 150k 51% 87 2.9m 55% 211 1.2m 51% 605 Humanitarian assistance accounts for 58% of the people we work with SAF 1.4m 58% 229 Key: Number of people we work with Percentage that are women and girls Number of partners Right to be heard Gender Justice We worked with 1.1m people and 521 partner organizations in 221 projects. 62% of these people are women and girls. Saving lives We worked with 13.5m people (83% of them in humanitarian assistance) 590 partner organizations in 482 projects. 55% of these people are women and girls. We worked together with 3,249 unique partner organizations in both funding (66%) and non-funding (34%) relationships to achieve shared long-term goals. We worked with 1.8m people and 821 partner organizations in 470 projects. 55% of these people are women and girls. Sustainable food Natural Resources We worked with 500k people and 247 partner organizations in 130 projects. 50% of these people are women and girls. Financing Development We worked with 600k people and 451 partner organizations in 286 projects. 51% of these people are women and girls. We worked with 1.8m people and 798 partner organizations in 413 projects. 52% of these people are women and girls. Resilience VAWG/GBV We worked with 10m people and 899 partner organizations in 638 of our projects which have a resilience component. 56% of these people are women and girls. We worked with 3.3m people and 662 partner organizations in 347 of our projects which have a VAW/GBV component. 56% of these people are women and girls. August 2017: *Figures are rounded - based on output reports by countries. “Other” total includes home countries and ‘Global Level Allocation’. For the full results see: https://sumus.oxfam.org/node/137915 This year for the first time we achieved 100% report submission rate across the confederation! We thank all affiliates, Country Directors and their teams for contributing to these efforts! While every attempt has been made to ensure data quality, we acknowledge that there may be some limitations in this information. Data gaps may occur in relation to our regional programming.