EW-MFA Training Workshop –


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Presentation transcript:

EW-MFA Training Workshop – 3.9.2009 Session: -Table F: DPO – Domestic Processed Output

DPO: Domestic Processed Output – Table F

DPO: Domestic Processed Output - Intro Two basic rules to avoid double counting: - N2O from product use/NMVOC from solvents go to “dissipative use...” - emissions from uncontrolled landfills and fertilisers are not accounted in DPO However, no fully standardised methodology yet Optional data only

DPO: Domestic Processed Output – Emissions to air National GHG inventories (IPCC) -> greenhouse gases; territory principle CORINAIR (UNECE LRTAP) -> air pollutants; territory principle NAMEA air emissions – Eurostat 2009 Manual -> GHG and Air pollutants by sectors; residence principle => MFA should follow residence principle, include emissions from international transport => should exclude “secondary” emissions resp. account for first gateway to env. only, => for ev. estimates refer to IPCC, => include O2 in weight -> balancing items

DPO: Domestic Processed Output – Emissions to air Exclude emissions from land use and land use changes (-> not relevant for MFA; mainly CO2), from human or animal respiration (mainly CO2 -> balancing items) Exclude CH4 from uncontrolled landfills (“secondary”) Exclude N20 from product use and NMVOC by solvents (-> dissipative use of products) and N2O from agriculture (fertiliser applications) and wastes to uncontrolled landfills (“secondary”) Exclude NH3 emissions from agriculture (“secondary”)

DPO: Domestic Processed Output – Waste landfilled Municipal waste landfilled -> data commonly available Industrial waste landfilled -> poor data availability – estimates could be done for manufacturing industry and construction and demolition waste (excluding unused – see below) Controlled and uncontrolled landfills -> should in principle account for uncontrolled only – controlled being an addition to stock, but data availability needs to be checked and ev. National experts contacted. Assume controlled landfills only in case no other information is available. Exclude: recycling/reuse, waste materials emitted to air or water, unused extraction (esp. excavated soil), waste incinerated

DPO: Domestic Processed Output – Emissions to water Direct emissions and emissions after passing waste water treatment Only minor contribution to DPO NAMEA water, environmental reports Exclude N and P from agriculture Dumping at sea – e.g. waste, but no dredgings (unused materials)

DPO: Domestic Processed Output – Dissipative use of products Data commonly available for mineral fertilisers, pesticides, seeds in agricultural statistics; check for lime in forestry Data for emissions of N2O and NMVOC from solvents in emission inventories Data for organic fertilisers may be estimated based on livestock data -> guide ; check for output of manure on agri. Fields Other data ev. in statistics or environmental reports or maybe estimated Correct esp. manure for water content

DPO: Domestic Processed Output – Dissipative losses Abrasion, corrosion, erosion at mobile and stationary sources or leakages or losses due to accidents at transport Few data and experience Concentrate on data that can be obtained with justified effort Though losses from buildings and infrastructures are probably quantitatively relevant – research needed