B2B Lead Generation Ad Writing Tips The latest thinking on writing ads for lead-generation campaigns Or: How to increase response 50% to 100%
3 ways to increase leads in e-mail newsletter advertising Have something that’s a real offer—white paper, video, sample kit, etc. Try a different offer (or same offer, new copy) with each newsletter you sponsor (avoid repitition) Ad copy should sell them on clicking the offer, NOT your product, service or company. E.g., instead of extolling virtues of model 5300, tell them what they’ll expect to learn by downloading white paper
Real-world case study: a copywriting makeover Hmm, how did they do this?
Before: Headline literally says nothing Description is company-centric, not user-centric Image: What the heck is it? Links give no reason to click 57 leads first time (not bad) 34 leads second time (going down)
After: Headline promises a payoff in knowledge (“How to design”) The word “Video” in headline – 15% lift in clickthrough Copy is user-centric and sells the idea of clicking Image: human faces engage! Image: Video play button 78 leads (more than double) 129% increase in leads produced
Iteration #2: Same offer New image Slightly different head New white paper offer 78 leads (didn’t go down)
It’s all about their pain points Headline, copy and image must promise payoff. Users must SEE THEIR PAIN POINTS in your headline. “Yeah, we’re having that problem here, let me click to find out answers…” Features & benefits not nearly as effective as issues and pain points
Multi-ad sponsorships Make sure each ad is offering something that they can respond to! Offer an enticing mix of white papers, videos, blogs by your in-house experts, PDF brochures, etc. Remember, the time to sell your product is AFTER you’ve engaged them (after they click).